Advanced Search Consolidated Page

ENOVIA searches can be configured to show form mode where you enter search criteria at the top and the results display on the the bottom.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
About Searching
Searching Using the Consolidated Search Form

Form Fields

This table defines the criteria fields. Not all searches include all these fields and some searches include additional fields.

Field Name Description
Type The type of object being searched for. lets you select the type or subtype. Depending on where you initiated the search, you may not be able to change the type.
Owner The person who owns the object you are searching for. lets you search for the person's name.
Originator The person who created the object. lets you search for the person's name.
Title The object's title; you can use wildcards.
Name The object's name; you can use wildcards.
Policy The policy that governs the object's lifecycle. If the object supports more than one policy, lets you select a specific policy.
Vault The specific vault where the object is stored. lets you limit the search to specific vault(s).
Modified The date the object was most recently modified. lets you limit the search to objects modified on, before, after, or within a specific time period.
Description Lets you search for objects that contain a specific word or phrase in the description; you can use wildcards.
Revision A specific revision level, orHighest or By State check boxes. If you check By State, you also need to select an option for the State field.
State The current lifecycle state of the object. lets you limit the search to objects in a specific lifecycle state. If you select a different policy, the values for this field change accordingly.
Originated The date the object was created. lets you limit the search to objects created on, before, after, or within a specific time period.

Table Columns

This table describes the columns in the search results.

Column Name Description
Name The object's name.
Rev The revision of the object.
Type The object type, such as Part or Model.
Description The object's description.
State The current lifecycle state for the object.
Shows this icon if files are checked into or connected to the object. See Files Associated with an Object.
Shows the primary image for that object, if defined. See Images Page.
Opens a window showing the default page for that object.