Companies Page

The Companies page lists all companies defined in the database. You must have the Organization Manager role to access this page.

You access this page by selecting > People and Organizations > Companies

This topic defines:

Related Topics
Creating a Company, Subsidiary, Business Unit, or Department
Inactive Companies Page

Table Columns

Column Name Description
Company Company name. You can click the name to view the Properties page for that object Company Properties Page.
Company Type Host, Supplier, or Customer.
Phone The main company phone number, as included in the company definition.
Web Site The URL of the company's Web site, as included in the company definition.
Accesses the Properties page for the company in a separate window.


The drop-down list at the top, right filters the list of companies shown on the page and includes these options:

  • All
  • My Company
  • My Company and Subsidiaries
  • Suppliers
  • Customers

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

Action Description For details, see:
Create New > Company (or Supplier or Customer) Creates a new company. Creating a Company, Subsidiary, Business Unit, or Department
Deactivate Deactivates the checked company (prevent users from that company from using the ENOVIA products). --
Delete Deletes companies from the database. Check the companies, select Delete, and click OK to confirm. --