Navigate DesignSync Object Page

You can browse module, file, and folder hierarchies in a DesignSync server. The navigation page also shows any HREFs for modules (references to modules that can be on the same or a different DesignSync server).

To access this page:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace folder contents page. For information, see the Team Central User's Guide.
  2. From the page that lists Folder Contents, select Navigate DesignSync from the Actions menu.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
Name The name of the DesignSync module, file or folder in the server. DesignSync objects that are associated with an object in ENOVIA have hyperlinks. If they do not have any associated objects, they show without hyperlinks.
Version The version of the DesignSync module or file. DesignSync folders do not have versions. Only branches and versions of files show a value; the top-level file is not a specific version and does not show versions or tags. Module categories and subcategories do not have versions. For a branch, this column shows the branch number.
Comments The comment entered during check in of the DesignSync object.
Tags Any tag associated with the DesignSync files. DesignSync folders do not have tags.
Actions The actions you can perform on the files or folders.

Icon Name Action


Download the file to your local machine without locking it on the server. Navigate to the folder or directory where you want to download the file. Multiple files are downloaded in a single zip file.


View the file in a registered viewer. If no viewer is configured and the mime type is set, the file opens in the browser window.


Navigate HREF Static

For an HREF to a module only. Opens a new navigation window that shows the static version of the module.


Navigate HREF Dynamic

For an HREF to a module only. Opens a new navigation window that shows the dynamic version of the module (that is, the version that currently matches the selector).

Other For an href only, shows the URL of the referenced module.


If there are multiple servers defined, choose one from the Server drop-down box.

Every DesignSync server has an associated document folder in ENOVIA with the same name as the DesignSync server. The Navigate DesignSync Object page shows this object with the server name as the root of all folders and files within the DesignSync server.

When multiple DesignSync servers are defined on the server, the server field is empty and there is a server drop-down list. When there is a single DesignSync server defined, there is no drop-down list.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Create Issue Creates a new issue. Creating a New Issue
Create Creates a new ENOVIA object and DesignSync object. Creating a New Document
Connect Creates a new ENOVIA object and connects it to an existing DesignSync object. Creating a New Document