Replying to Messages in a Discussion

You can reply to any message in any discussion that you have been given access to. If you are an employee of the ENOVIA products host company, you can choose to create a private or public reply.

If you create a public reply, all users with access to the discussion can read the reply, including external users. If you create a private reply, only those users from the host organization with access to the discussion can read the reply.

Once you create a private reply, all replies to the message are also private: you cannot create a public reply to a private message. External users cannot create or read private replies, and do not see the Private Reply link.

Before you begin: View the discussion thread. See Discussion Thread Page.
  1. Find the message you want to reply to and click Public Reply or Private Reply. Only employees of the host company have the option to create a Private Reply.

    The Visibility value is Public or Private, depending on the type of discussion selected to create and cannot be changed. For external users, the Visibility value is not shown.

  2. Edit the Subject if needed.

  3. Enter the Message content.

    If you want to enter a link to a web page, you can type the full web address, such as The posted message shows the URL as a hyperlink.

    To link to a page within an ENOVIA product, you can copy the URL from the History page and paste it into the message. See Page History for information on using the history page.

    If a user who has access to the discussion does not have access to a linked page, they see this error message if they click the link: "You do not have access to view this object."

  4. Click Done.