Converting an ENOVIA Object to a DesignSync File or Folder

You can convert an existing Common Document Model (CDM) object, such as files for a Sketch, into a DesignSync Document object by checking it into a DesignSync object. This process creates the new DesignSync object. When you complete the checkin, all references for the object are modified and all metadata related to the checkin is stored in this object for reference.

You can also connect CDM objects to existing DesignSync Document objects. To do so, the Common Document object should not have any files checked in. See Documents and Content to verify this state.

When you select a common document model object, the Actions include two additional options:

  • Check-in DesignSync object
  • Connect DesignSync object

Before you begin: Navigate to the document object page.
Related Topics
About DesignSync File Checkin
About DesignSync Folder Checkin
About Connecting to DesignSync Objects
  1. In the File Summary page, select Checkin DesignSync Object or Connect to DesignSync Object from the Actions menu.

  2. Enter the following details:

    Field Name Description
    Server Select the DesignSync server.
    Path Use the browse button to select the path, or type the path into the text box.

    If you manually enter the path, it cannot contain any of these special characters: @,*?[]#${}"<>|: ' ~%^&()`= If you manually enter the path and select a folder, the path field must not end with ';' since a folder cannot end with a semicolon. For a module, the local path for a module must be /Modules. The path name should resolve to a module or module version on the DesignSync server. If the path needs to create a module, the new module cannot be created under another module.

    Selector Enter the name of the branch where the file will be stored. If the branch entered is not a legal branch selector, an error is returned during check in.
    • If you enter Trunk, the systems appends :Latestto the branch; the selector would be Trunk:Latest.
    • If you enter a text string with a colon, the system appends Latest to the branch. For example, if you enter Gold:, the selector would be Gold:Latest.
    • If you enter a text string other than Trunk without a colon, the system does not append anything to the branch. For example, if you enter Gold, the selector would be Gold.
    Viewer Format Select the format (for example JT) in which you want the file to open for viewing.

    To search for the path:

    1. Click for Select Object from Server (see Creating a New or Connecting to an Existing DesignSync Object for details of this screen).

      When checking in a DesignSync file or folder, the Select page lists only DesignSync folders. Only branches and versions of files show a value in the Version or Tags columns; the top-level file is not a specific version and does not show versions or tags.

    2. Select the module, file or folder where you want to check in.
    3. Click Submit.

      Your choice sets the button for the selected type of DesignSync object: File, Folder, or Module.

  3. If creating a new object, see Checking In a DesignSync File or Folder to upload the needed file or folder.

  4. If connecting to an existing DesignSync object, click Done.

    The connection is created. A business object is created and all metadata related to the connection are stored in this object for reference.

    The connect operation succeeds even if no physical file exists in DesignSync.

    If you see an error message with "connection refused", then the DesignSync server is down or otherwise unavailable. Contact your System Administrator for help.