Editing a Person's Organizational Roles

You can add roles to a person, or remove roles from that person.

If you want to assign roles or lead roles not shown in this popup, you must edit the person definition. See Editing Person Details.

If Engineering Central is installed, any organization that will be assigned change responsibility must have one or more persons assigned as lead roles for ECR Chairman and ECR Coordinator. When assigning a lead role, if the lead role was previously assigned, the lead role is removed from the previous person and a warning message is issued. If you uncheck the box in the Assigned as Lead Role column to unassign a lead role, a warning message is issued instructing you to choose another person for the lead role.

Before you begin:
  • Log in as a user with the role of Organization Manager.
  • View the list of people for the company, subsidiary, business unit, or department. See People Page.
  1. Click on the row for the needed person.

  2. To remove a role from the person, clear the check box next to that role.

  3. To assign the person as a Lead Role, check the boxes for the needed roles in the Assigned As Lead Role column.

  4. Click Done.