People Page

The People page lists the people in a company, subsidiary, business unit, department, or plant.

To access this page:

  1. Log in as a user with the role of Organization Manager.
  2. View the properties for the company, subsidiary, business unit, department, or plant. See Company Properties Page, Business Unit Properties Page, Department Properties Page, or Plant Properties Page.
  3. From the page toolbar, click Categories > People.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Defining a Person


Column Name Description
Name The person's name. Click to view the Properties page for that person. See Person Properties.
Employee Displays "yes" if the person is an employee of this organization, or "no" if they just have role assignments within this organization.
Email The person's email address. If specified, all IconMail for the person is also sent to the email address. The application also sends email notification to people whenever their email is changed and when they are first registered.

You can click the Email address to create a new email message addressed to that person. The email program set up as the default for your system opens with a new message created and the person's email address entered in the To box.

State To successfully log into the system, a person's state must be Active. A person's state should be changed to Inactive if they should no longer have access to use the system.
Organizational Roles Lists the roles the person is assigned to within this organization.
Lead Roles Lists the lead roles the person is assigned within the organization.
Edit You can click in this column to edit organizational roles for the person. See Editing a Person's Organizational Roles.

If you want to assign additional roles to the person, edit the person definition. See Editing Person Details.

You can click to view the Properties page for the person in a separate window.
Attributes The type of login access: Standard or Secure ID (which includes a pin number and number from a key fob).

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Create New Creates a user. Defining a Person
Add Existing Adds a user to an organization and give them specific roles within that organization Searching Using the Wizard
Activate For inactive persons, changes their states to active. --
Deactivate For active persons, changes their state to inactive. --
Remove Removes checked persons, click OK to confirm. When you remove a person, the person definition remains in the database, and the person is active to do work; however, the person is no longer connected to the organization. --
Resource Loading Report Generates a resource loading report for the checked person. This option is only available if Program Central is installed. Program Central User's Guide