Processing Completed Routes

When the last person in a route completes the last task, the route state changes to Finished and the system notifies the route creator. At this point, the route creator should review the tasks and any content that has been edited or added. If your system is configured so a document can only be in one route at a time, it is important to remove files from a route when the route is finished so the document can be routed and edited as needed.

Before you begin: Locate the route you want to work with. See Routes Page.
  1. From the Routes page, click the Name of the finished route.

  2. From the page toolbar for the route, click Categories > Tasks.

  3. For each task, review the comment and approval status chosen and entered by the task assignee.

    A comment is required for all task actions except Notify Only. Tasks with Approve action require the assignee to select an approval option.

  4. Review any edited or added content by clicking Categories > Content. For instructions on viewing content, see Documents and Content.

  5. To remove content from the route:

    If your system is configured so a document can only be in one route, it is important to remove files from a route when the route is finished so the document can be routed and edited as needed.

    1. From the route Content page, check the items you want to remove.
    2. Select Remove Selected from the page Actions menu or toolbar.
    3. At the confirmation message, click OK.