Processing a Task that Needs Owner Review

When the assignee completes a task marked as Needs Owner Review, the route owner must review the task and indicate approval or rejection. The task does not proceed to the Complete state until the route owner approves it. When the task assignee completes a Needs Owner Review task, the route owner receives notification.

Before you begin: List the tasks for the route (see Tasks Page for a Route). or Click the link in the IconMail or email notification.
  1. On the Properties/Contents page of the task, review the actions taken by the assignee.

  2. To see Comments and Approval Status that the assignee entered, look at the Properties section of the page.

  3. To see content that the assignee edited or added, click the link in the Content section of the page.

  4. Enter Review Comments in the Properties section of the page. If you plan on demoting the task, include instructions for the task assignee about how the task should be completed.

  5. To reassign the task to someone else to complete (only if you will demote the task), click next to the Assignee to select the person you want to complete the task. See Reassigning (Delegating) a Task to Someone Else.

  6. Indicate your approval or rejection of the task by clicking the appropriate link from the task Properties page.

    • To approve the task, click Promote from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

      The task is promoted to Complete and the system sends a Review Complete notification to the task assignee that indicates you promoted the task. The system creates the next task in the route (if no other tasks must be completed).

    • To reject the task, click Demote from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

      The task is demoted to Assigned and the system sends a Review Complete notification to the task assignee that indicates you demoted the task. If you assigned the task to someone other than the original assignee, the new assignee receives the notification. You will be notified when the assignee recompletes the task.