Tasks Page for a Route

This page lists tasks for any route that you created or are included in, and any route template that you created.

To access this page:

  1. Locate the route or route template. See Routes Page or Route Templates Page
  2. From the Routes page, click the Name of the route.
  3. From the page toolbar for the route, click Categories > Tasks.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
Shows the status of the route. A green arrow means all route tasks are on time. A yellow diamond means at least one route task, not including the last task in the route, is late. A red square means the last task is late.
Name The name of the task. To see details about the task, click its Name. See Route Task Properties.
Title A descriptive name for the task.
Order The order of the task within the route.
Revision The task revision.
  • Pending. The previous task in the route has not been completed so the assignee is not assigned to work on it yet. If the route has not started, all tasks are pending.
  • Assigned. The task is created for an assignee.
  • Review. Only tasks with a Needs Owner Review icon go through the Review state. The state changes from Assigned to Review when the assignee completes the task. If the route owner promotes the task, indicating approval, the state changes to Complete. If the owner demotes the task, indicating rejection, the state returns to Assigned so the assignee can redo the task.
  • Complete. When the assignee indicates a task is complete by clicking Complete, the state changes to Complete and the next task in the route is created (provided there are no other tasks that must be completed at his route level).
Assignee The person, group, or role the route creator assigned to the task unless the original assignee delegated the task to someone else. If the route creator assigned the task to a group or role, the assignee changes to the name of the first person in that group or role to accept the task.
Action The action the task assignee should perform: Approve, Comment, or Notify Only. If the action is Approve, the assignee must choose an approval status to complete the task: Approve, Reject, or Abstain. All actions except Notify Only require that the route member enter a comment to complete the task.
Approval Status For tasks with an action of Approval, this column shows the approval option the task assignee selected: Approve, Reject, or Abstain. The column is blank for non-approval tasks.
Due Date/Time The date and time the route owner requests that the assignee complete the task. If the assignee does not complete the task by this date, the task is marked as late (red) and the route's status is changed from green to yellow (if it's the last task in the route, the status changes to red). If the route has set up late task notifications, the system sends out notifications to the appropriate people.

If the route owner set the task due/time by specifying a number of days following the route start date and the route is not yet started, the field indicates the number of days following the route start. Similarly, if the due date/time is a number of days following the task creation and the task isn't created yet, the field indicates this.

If no date/time is displayed, the route owner is allowing the task assignee to set the due date and the assignee has not yet entered one.

Comments Ad hoc comments entered by the task assignee when completing the task. To complete the task, the assignee must fill in the comment field except for tasks with Notify Only actions.
Completed Date The date and time the person clicked Complete for the task, as recorded by the system. If the task hasn't been completed yet, the column is empty.
Allow Delegation icon shows if the route creator indicated that the task can be delegated. If so, the assignee can delegate the task to someone else to complete. See Reassigning (Delegating) a Task to Someone Else. The delegate will temporarily inherit all accesses that the assignee has for the route and its content. The system may also delegate the task automatically if the recipient receives the task during a defined absence period and the person has designated an Absence Delegate on the person profile. When the system automatically delegates a task, it also notifies the route owner.
Needs Owner Review. If there is no icon in this column, the task's state changes to Complete when the task assignee completes the task and the next task in the route is created. If the Needs Owner Review icon is displayed, when the assignee completes the task, the task's state changes to Review and the system notifies the route owner. After reviewing the task, the route owner must enter a review comment and then either promote the task to indicate approval or demote it to indicate rejection. The system does not create the next task in the route until the owner promotes the task. Demoting the task changes its state back to Assigned and the task assignee must recomplete the task based on the route owner's comments. When demoting the task, the route owner can reassign it to someone else to work on.


The filter is available only for the route owner:

  • Needs Review. Lists those tasks in the Review state.
  • Active. Lists active route tasks.
  • All. Lists all tasks, including any prior revisions of tasks.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit All Adds tasks or make changes to the tasks. These changes include the task name, order, due date, and instructions, and the action required settings. Only the route owner can define the tasks. Defining the Tasks in a Route
Remove Selected Removes a pending task. Only the route owner can remove a task. You can remove a pending task from any route that you own. You cannot remove active or completed tasks. --