Subscribing to a Discussion

By subscribing to a discussion, you receive email messages when new replies are made instead of needing to log into the ENOVIA product. If you reply to a message, you are automatically subscribed to that discussion.

If subscribing to a discussion in a workspace, see the Team Central.

Before you begin: List all discussions (see Discussions Page). or Navigate to the item that contains the discussion (see Discussions Page for an Object) and click Categories > Discussions.
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About Subscribing to a Discussion
  1. Check each discussion you want to subscribe to, or click the Name of the specific discussion.

  2. Select Subscribe from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

  3. Click OK.

    The system subscribes you to each checked discussion.

    To unsubscribe from discussions, use the page opened by clicking > My Enovia > Discussions (see Discussions Page) or the page opened by clicking > My Enovia > Subscriptions (see Subscriptions Page). If you are subscribed to a discussion because you subscribed to a parent of that discussion (which automatically subscribes you to replies), you need to unsubscribe from the parent discussion; you cannot unsubscribe from a discussion that inherited the subscription.