Completing a Route Task

The steps you need to perform to complete a task differ depending on the Task Action chosen and instructions entered by the route creator. At a minimum, you must read and follow the instructions for the task and then mark the task as completed. You may also have to enter comments, choose an approval option, or review, edit, or add routed content.

If you (or the original task assignee) created sub-routes for the task, the sub-routes must be complete before you can complete the task.

Before you begin: View the properties for the task. See Route Task Properties.
  1. Read the Instructions that the route creator entered for you.

  2. If the instructions involve working with route content, click the content Name from the content section at the bottom of the page.

    Work with the content as instructed. You must have the appropriate access for each content item to be able to work with the item. For Team Central, you must also have the appropriate access for the route to be able to add and remove content. For example, you can only edit documents that you have at least Read Write access to. To add and remove content from the route, you must have Add Remove access for the route.

    See Content Page for a Route for information on viewing, editing, or adding new files to the route.

  3. If the Task Action is Approve or Comment:

    Tasks with Notify Only as the action are completed automatically.

    1. Enter Comments for the task.
    2. If the page contains approval options (only if the Task Action is Approve), choose the appropriate Complete Task Action option from the page Actions menu or toolbar:

      1. Approve. Indicates that you approve the information you have been requested to approve. For example, if the task instructions indicate that you should approve a document in the route content and you do approve the document, you should choose Approve. When you complete a task by choosing Approve for the Approval Status, the system continues the route normally.
      2. Reject. Indicates that you reject the information you have been requested to approve. What happens next depends on the Auto Stop for Rejection value for the route. If set to Immediate, the route is stopped and the route owner receives email and IconMail notification that you rejected the route. If set to Deferred, other tasks at the same level must be completed before the route is stopped.
      3. Abstain. Indicates that you abstain from approving the information you have been requested to approve. When you complete a task by choosing Abstain for the Approval Status, the system continues the route normally.

  4. Click Complete from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    If the task is designated as Needs Owner Review, the system promotes the task to Review and notifies the route owner. After reviewing the task, the owner approves or rejects it. If approved, the system promotes the task to Complete and notifies you. If rejected, the system demotes the task to Assigned and notifies the assignee, which could be someone other than you if the route owner reassigns it.

    If the task is not designated as Needs Owner Review, the system promotes the task to Complete and enters the current date for the Completion date. The task is no longer on your Tasks page, but you can still access the task through the route (unless the task was delegated to you and you do not have access to the route independently). If no one else needs to complete a task for this order number in the route, the tasks at the next order number become active. Those task assignees are notified that they have active tasks. If you are the last person to complete a task for the route, then the route is complete.