Route Task Properties

This page lists details about tasks that are assigned to you and are ready to be completed or that you have already completed. You can use this page to delegate or complete the task, set the task's due date and time, or access the task's content

If you created or own a route, you also see information about your pending tasks (those not yet active) and about tasks assigned to any person in a route, including those assigned to other people.

For workflow tasks, see Workflow Task Properties.

To access this page:

  1. Locate the needed task. See Tasks Page (Inbox, WBS, and Workflow).
  2. Click the task Name.

This topic defines these items:


If a task has been assigned to a user, but a prior task in the route was rejected, the task may still show in a user's Tasks list, however, that user cannot approve, reject, or otherwise complete the task. If so, a note displays at the top of this page indicating the user, task, and comments about the rejected task.

Field Name Description
Owner The person who created the route.
Originated Date the task was last defined by the route owner.
Due Date/Time The date and time the route owner requests that you complete the task, if specified. If you do not complete the task by this date, the task is marked as late (red) and the route's status is changed from green to yellow (if it is the last task in the route, the status changes to red). If the route or workspace owner has set up late task notifications, the system sends out notifications to the appropriate people. If there is no due date, the route creator did not specify one and you can enter one if you choose to.

If the route owner set the task due/time by specifying a number of days following the route start date and the route is not yet started, the field indicates the number of days following the route start. Similarly, if the due date/time is a number of days following the task creation and the task isn't created yet, the field indicates this.

If no date/time is displayed, the route owner is allowing the task assignee to set the due date and the assignee has not yet entered one.

Allow Delegation If Yes, the assignee can delegate the task to another person. See Reassigning (Delegating) a Task to Someone Else. The system can also delegate the task automatically if the recipient receives the task during a defined absence period and an Absence Delegate has been assigned on the person profile. See Editing Person Details. If No, then neither the assignee nor the system can delegate the task.
Assignee The person, group, or role responsible for completing the task. This is the person the route creator assigned to the task unless the task was delegated to someone else. If the route creator assigned the task to a group or role, the assignee changes to the name of the first person in that group or role to accept the task. If task delegation is allowed, this is an editable field. Click to assign the task to another person; search for and select a person, then click Update Assignee. The change is not saved unless you click Update Assignee.
Route Name of the route that contains the task. To see details about the route, click its name.
Action The action the assignee should perform: Approve, Comment, or Notify Only. If the action is Approve, you must choose an approval status to complete the task: Approve, Reject, or Abstain. All actions except Notify Only require that you enter a comment to complete the task.
Approval Status For tasks with Approve actions, this field shows the option the task assignee chose: Approve, Reject, or Abstain. If the assignee chooses Approve or Abstain and completes the task, the route continues as normal, and new tasks are created when the ones for the current order are completed. If a person chooses Reject for the status and completes the task, the route is stopped, which means no new tasks are activated for the route. The route creator receives email and IconMail notification about the rejection.
State For your task: Assigned or Complete. For a route owner's task: Pending, assigned, Review, or Complete.
  • Pending. The previous task in the route hasn't been completed so the assignee isn't assigned to work on it yet. If the route isn't started yet, all tasks are pending.
  • Assigned. When a task is created for an assignee, its state is Assigned.
  • Review. Only tasks with a Needs Owner Review icon go through the Review state. For these tasks, the state changes from Assigned to Review when the assignee completes the task. If the route owner promotes the task, indicating approval, the state changes to Complete. If the owner demotes the task, indicating rejection, the state returns to Assigned so the assignee can redo the task.
  • Complete. For tasks that do not have the Needs Owner Review icon, when the assignee indicates a task is complete by clicking Complete, the state changes to Complete and the next task in the route is created (provided there are no other tasks that must be completed).
Instructions Describes how to perform the task.
Comments Comments entered by the task assignee when completing the task. This field is not shown for tasks with Notify Only actions.
Review Comments Shows for route owners only. Displayed only for tasks marked with Needs Owner Review. Shows comments entered by the route owner after the assignee marked the task as complete. After entering review comments, the route owner promotes the task to indicate approval or demotes it to indicate rejection. If the route owner reviewed the task more than once, as a result of demoting the task and having the task recompleted, comments from the previous review are included.
Sub-Routes Shows for route owners only. If the task assignee created a sub-route(s) for the task and chose to display it to people who can access the route, the sub-route is listed. To see details about it, click its name. The Properties page for the sub-route opens in a new .
Route Owner Review Shows for route owners only. If No, the task's state changes to Complete when the task assignee completes the task and the next task in the route is created. If Yes, when the assignee completes the task, the task's state changes to Review and the system notifies the route owner. After reviewing the task, the route owner must enter a review comment and then either promote the task to indicate approval or demote it to indicate rejection. The system does not create the next task in the route until the owner promotes the task. Demoting the task changes its state back to Assigned and the task assignee must recomplete the task based on the route owner's comments. When demoting the task, the route owner can reassign it to someone else to work on.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details For route owners only. Only the route owner can edit the definition of tasks in the route. If the task allows delegation, the owner can also change the assignee. Defining the Tasks in a Route
Update Assignee Saves the change made to the Assignee field. --
Accept Task For a task assigned to a role or group you belong to, assigns the task to you. Accepting a Task Assigned to a Group or Role
Approve For the task assignee only. Completing a Route Task
Reject For the task assignee only. Completing a Route Task
Abstain For the task assignee only. Completing a Route Task


Category Description For details, see:


For route tasks, shows the Properties page for the task.

For workflow tasks, the task name shows the Properties page.

Route Task Properties


For route tasks only:

Provided you have the appropriate access to the content item, the Route Content page lets you view, download, lock for edit, and check in new versions of documents in the route and work with other route content. For example, you can only edit documents that you have at least Read Write access to.

The Route Content page for a task is just like the Content page for the route, described in Content Page for a Route, except there are no links for adding and removing content. To add and remove content for the route, you must access the Content page for the route.


For workflow tasks only:

Shows documents checked in to the task.

Task Deliverables Page.


Shows a log of events that have occurred for the task.

History Category


Shows sub-routes created to complete the task.

Routes Page


Lists the revisions of the task. A task could have multiple revisions if the route it belongs to was restarted at any point.

Revisions Page for a Task