Viewing the Manufacturing Plan Matrix

The Manufacturing Plan Matrix organizes all the manufacturing plans defined for the product and shows any logical features or low-level manufacturing plans that have not been resolved in a plan. Before a manufacturing plan can be promoted to the Released state, each logical feature revision must have a manufacturing plan defined.

Note: If the design effectivity matrix for a product is updated after a manufacturing plan is defined for it, that manufacturing plan will need to be manually updated to reflect those changes. Currently, there is no synchronization available between design and manufacturing effectivity.

Before you begin: Access the Manufacturing Plans page for a product. For details, see Viewing Manufacturing Plans.
  1. Click View Manufacturing Plan Matrix from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    The Manufacturing Plan Matrix page opens with a column for each manufacturing plan defined for the context product. If one or more manufacturing plans was selected in the Manufacturing Plans page before clicking the command, only those plans are shown.

    If you want to limit the number of features in the Name column, from the Expand Level drop-down list in the page toolbar, select a number from 1 through 5 to show associated features or select All to show features for all possible levels.

    It contains the following columns:

    Name. The root node is the context product and the second level shows each master feature represented in the product's logical feature structure. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object.

    Manufacturing Plan Columns. A column is shown for each manufacturing plan defined for the product. Each column contains two columns:

    • Planned For. The logical feature revision included in the manufacturing plan.

      This column follows these rules:

      • A value is not shown for the root node.
      • If the master feature only manages one logical feature, then that logical feature is shown.
      • If the master feature manages more than one logical feature, then the logical feature resolved by the manufacturing plan selected in the Manufacturing Plan column is shown.
      • If a manufacturing plan is not selected in the Manufacturing Plan column and the logical feature cannot be resolved, then the value "Undefined" is shown.
      • If a manufacturing plan is selected in the Manufacturing Plan column but the logical feature cannot be resolved because more than one is available, then the value "Undefined" is shown.
      • If the logical feature referenced by the manufacturing plan is no longer included in the product's logical feature structure, an icon with a red exclamation point is shown in the column. This means the design effectivity matrix for the product was updated after the manufacturing plan breakdown was defined for the product. On mouse-over, the conflict is shown.

    • Manufacturing Plan. The manufacturing plan selected for the logical feature revision included in the manufacturing plan.

      This column follows these rules:

      • The high-level manufacturing plan for the product is shown for the root node.
      • If a manufacturing plan is not selected, then the value "Undefined" is shown.

  2. To resolve an "Undefined" value in the manufacturing plan matrix, follow these steps:

    1. Click the high-level manufacturing plan for the root node in the Manufacturing Plan column. The Manufacturing Plan Breakdown page opens.
    2. Select the plan in the page and click Edit Manufacturing Plan Breakdown in the page Actions menu or toolbar. The Edit Manufacturing Plan Breakdown page opens.
    3. Use the Insert and Remove Manufacturing Plan buttons in the page Actions menu or toolbar to resolve the "Undefined" values. For details, see Editing the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown.
    4. Return to the Manufacturing Plan Matrix page.