Viewing Manufacturing Plans

The Manufacturing Plans page shows all the active and archived manufacturing plans defined for a logical feature or product.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a logical feature or product. For details, see "Viewing Feature Properties" in the ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central User's Guide or "Viewing Product Properties" in the ENOVIA Product Line Management User's Guide.

Note: Manufacturing plans are only available for product revisions and logical features. Manufacturing plans are not available for the other feature types (marketing, manufacturing, or none) or product variants and versions.

Related Topics
About Manufacturing Plans
About Archived Manufacturing Plans
Editing the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown
  1. Click Manufacturing Plans from the category list.

    Note: You can also access Manufacturing Plans from the Feature menu.

    The Manufacturing Plans page opens with two tabs.The Manufacturing Plans tab contains all active manufacturing plans defined for the context logical feature or product and the Archived tab contains all archived or inactive manufacturing plans for the context object.

    It contains the following columns:

    Title. The root node is the context object and the second level shows each manufacturing plan defined for it. In the product context, each manufacturing plan can be expanded to view it's sub-manufacturing plans. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object.

    Name. Name of the manufacturing plan. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object.

    Type. The type is either Manufacturing Plan or a sub-type your company has configured.

    Check. Indication of whether the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown is compliant with the design information. means compliant; means not compliant.

    Manufacturing Intent. How the manufacturing plan will be produced. The manufacturing intent is either Regular (if the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown should comply with its related Engineering definition) or Retrofit (if the Manufacturing Plan Breakdown does not need to comply with its related Engineering Definition).

    Revision. The plan revision number or code.

    Planned For. The context in which the plan is defined.

    Derived From.The manufacturing plan from which the plan was derived. Click the name of the manufacturing plan in this column to view the Properties page for that object. If the manufacturing plan from which the plan was derived has been archived, this field is read-only. If this field is blank, the plan was not derived or cloned from another plan.

    Description. Details about the plan.

    Owner. Person responsible for the plan.

    State. Current state of the plan in its lifecycle.

  2. Click the expand symbol next to a manufacturing plan to display its breakdown.

  3. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with the manufacturing plans.

    • Create Manufacturing Plan. Creates a new manufacturing plan or inserts a manufacturing plan at the end of a revision sequence. For details, see Creating a Manufacturing Plan.
    • Create Manufacturing Plan From. Creates a new manufacturing plan from an existing plan. For details, see Creating a Manufacturing Plan.
    • View Manufacturing Plan Matrix. Displays the product's manufacturing plan matrix. This command is only available in the product context. If you select one or more plans before clicking the command, only those plans will be shown. Otherwise, all the plans defined for the product will be shown. For details, see Viewing the Manufacturing Plan Matrix.
    • Edit Manufacturing Plan Breakdown. Edits the breakdown of the selected manufacturing plan for a product. This command is only available in the product context.
    • Archive. Archives the manufacturing plan for future reference. The plan will be moved to the Archived tab and no longer available for selection.

  4. To reactivate an archived manufacturing plan, click the Archived tab, select the plan to reactivate and click Re-activate from the page Actions menu or toolbar.