To do so, you can use any of these methods:
The emxFramework.UIComponents.OverriddenTypeIcon.Program=<JPO Name>:<Method Name> property in defines a global JPO:method used for all fields and columns that define the Show Alternate Icon or the Show Type Icon setting, and for all navigation trees. To use a different JPO:method for a specific form field, use the Type Icon Function and Type Icon Program settings. The JPO:method specified in the file and the one specified using the Type Icon Function and Type Icon Program settings determine the icon to show in addition to the type or alternate icon already defined. For this JPO to be called, either the Show Alternate Icon or the Show Type Icon setting must be set to true. If both of those settings are set to false, the default JPO and any Type Icon Function and Type Icon Program values are ignored. You can only use the additional icon if the value for the Field Type setting is any of these values:
The function that retrieves the list of custom icons must return an image name or path for the id that is passed to it. The path, including the image name, must be specified relative to the ematrix\common directory. The image must be a gif image, and cannot include any spaces or special characters. For details about the JPO method signature, input arguments, returned values and sample JPO code, see Column Values Including Additional Icons. |