Settings Supported by emxCreate.jsp

The following settings are supported by emxCreate.jsp. These settings, except for Name Field, are also supported by emxForm.jsp. Following the table is a list of settings supported by emxForm.jsp but not supported for emxCreate.jsp.

The following topics are discussed:

Settings Table

Setting Description Accepted Values/Examples

*Registered Suite

The application the field belongs to. The system looks for files related to the field in the registered directory for that application, which is specified in

Set the value without any spaces, for example, EngineeringCentral or Framework.

Set the value to the suite name as defined in the key eServiceSuites.DisplayedSuites within If the suite name starts with "eServiceSuite" then you can skip this prefix and assign the remaining text to the setting. For example, if the suite name in is "eServiceSuiteEngineeringCentral", then the word "EngineeringCentral", can be assigned as "Registered Suite".

Access Expression

Access Function

Access Program

Used to control access to form fields Do not use object-specific expressions. You can use non-object expressions, such as: == 
"Test Everything" == "Test Everything"

Admin Type

Use to translate fields whose values are names of administrative objects or ranges of attributes. For example, suppose you are configuring a field that shows an object's current state and you want the state name to be translated. You would add this setting and set the value to State. The translations for administrative object names are stored in the emxFrameworkStringResource. properties files, as described in Administrative Objects.

These keywords get the field values translated for the appropriate type name:

  • Type
  • State
  • Role
  • Relationship
  • Policy
  • Group
  • Vault
  • Attribute (for translating the attribute name, not the range values)

To translate attribute and range values, specify the symbolic name of the attribute, which starts with "attribute_" and is followed by the attribute name with no spaces. For example:

  • attribute_UnitOfMeasure
  • attribute_PartClassification

Allow Manual Edit

When true, users can manually edit the form row for this field. Applicable only when the range parameter is set to a URL or when the setting format is assigned to date or for fields of type combobox. It is ignored in all other cases.

When this setting is true, the Admin Type setting is ignored.

false (default)--Manual entry is not allowed.

true--Manual entry is allowed.

Column Count

The number of name/value columns to draw horizontally. For Create forms, this setting applies only to a field defined with Field Type = Dynamic Attributes.

1 (default)





If a field's value is empty or null and this setting is defined, the default value is displayed for the field.

The default value you want to display. This can be a string resource key or the actual characters you want to fill in as the default. The wildcard (*) can be used for search criteria fields.




Dynamic URL

When enabled, users can enter URLs or mxLink values and the values will display and function as hyperlinks.

enable (default)



Use to indicate whether the field is displayed as editable or read only.

true (default)--Users can edit the field.

false--Users cannot edit the field.

Field Column Headers

Used in conjunction with the Field Type=Table Holder setting. Comma-separated list to specify the labels for the column headings. The number of labels should be the same as the value for the Field Table Columns setting.

You can specify a either a string resource ID for the text string or the actual text string that should appear. To internationalize the text, you must use a string resource ID.

See Vertical Grouping.

Comma-separated list of column heading labels:


Field Row Headers

Used in conjunction with the Field Type=Table Holder setting. Comma-separated list to specify the labels for the row headings. The number of labels should be the same as the value for the Field Table Rows setting and should be separated by a comma.

You can specify a either a string resource ID for the text string or the actual text string that should appear. To internationalize the text, you must use a string resource ID.

See Vertical Grouping.

Comma-separated list of row heading labels:


Field Size

Determines the width of a textbox input type field. The width is given in pixels except when Input Type is textbox or not set. In that case, its value refers to the (integer) number of characters.

This setting is ignored if Field Type = programHTMLOutput.

Number of pixels, for example:


20 (default).

Field Table Columns

Used in conjunction with the Field Type=Table Holder setting. Defines the number of columns for the table.

See Vertical Grouping.

2, 3, ...

Field Table Rows

Used in conjunction with the Field Type=Table Holder setting. Defines the number of rows in the table.

See Vertical Grouping.

1, 2, ...

Field Type

This setting is used:

To indicate that the field's data should be obtained from a program or image instead of an expression.

When the field data is obtained from an expression, if the data is basic information or an attribute. The system needs to know whether a field's data is basic information or an attribute in order to update the information correctly. Specifying whether the field is basic or an attribute is only required for fields that will be editable.

To indicate the field is a dummy field that defines fields to display in a table or group.

For more information on specifying field data, see Form Fields.

These Field Type values that are supported by emxForm.jsp are NOT supported for emxCreate.jsp: emxTable, Table Holder, Group Holder, ClassificationPath, ClassificationAttributes.

program--The values for this field are obtained from a program (JPO). The program and function name are required as settings.

programHTMLOutput--Same as the program setting, except the field value output is in XHTML format. Field values are placed in the table cell between <td> and </td> tags. This setting ignores other field settings such as Show Type Icon, href, format, and Alternate OID expression.

image--The field's value is the primary image associated with the business object.

basic--The field displays basic information for the business object. Basic information includes name, type, originated, policy, etc. Specifying basic as the field type is only needed when the field is editable. The only editable basic information is: type, name, revision, current, policy, description, owner, vault.

attribute--The field displays values for an attribute on the business object, such as Originator or Weight.

Section Header--Adds a new section heading between the form fields. The setting Section Level determines the heading level. See Field as Section Header and Separator.

Section Separator--Adds white space to separate fields and sections.

Dynamic Attributes--Displays all attribute/value pairs associated with the context object in the properties page.

Table Holder--Arranges the fields under the field in columns and rows. Table Holder fields serve as dummy fields to define the fields to display in a table. Also see these settings: Field Column Headers, Field Row Headers, Field Table Columns, Field Table Rows.


Use to configure read-only fields to show names using Fullname format. When Editable=true, this parameter is ignored.



The name of the method to call within the JPO program specified in the program setting. This method within the JPO is used to get the field values if the setting "Field Type" is set to "program" or "programHTMLOutput".

For more information, see Field Values Obtained from a Program.

The name of a function in the program JPO, such as:




Group Name

Used for grouping fields horizontally in web forms. The consecutive fields with same group name are considered a group.

The name of the horizontal group.

Hide Label

Displays or hides the label for a particular row on a form.




Use to specify an image file when the field value should be an image only. This setting is required when the Field Type setting is set to image. This file must exist in the application server (not in the database). You can make the image a hyperlink by including a URL in the href parameter.

To see an example of a field with an image, see Field Values as Hyperlinked Image.



Input Type

Specifies the type of HTML control to display for user input.

Although multiple choices can be displayed in the create page, only one selection can be saved. To disable the ability to make multiple selections during view of webform, use programHTMLoutput and the html tag that does that.

Use the radiobutton or combobox input types for fields that require a single selection.

If you want to save multiple selections, a custom JPO needs to be written using the checkbox or listbox input types which might delimit the choices in the attribute using the ENOVIA Studio Customization Toolkit.

textbox-Default. Provides a single-line box for typing text. This graphic shows a field configured as a Text Box with the Required setting equal to true.

textarea-Provides a multi-line box for typing text.

checkbox-Provides a check box next to each range value.

See Sample JPO for Web Form with Custom Combobox.

listbox-Provides a list of range values. Although users can select more than one item in the list by holding the Ctrl key, only one value will be saved unless a custom JPO is implemented.

radiobutton-Shows a radio button next to each range value. To see an example of a field configured with radio buttons, see Field for Attribute with Choices in Radio Buttons.

combobox-Provides a drop-down list of options and users can only select one value. Use combo boxes for attributes that have defined ranges and for attributes whose ranges are determined with a Range Helper URL. To see an example of a field with a combo box, see Field for Attribute with Choices in Combo Box.

Maximum Length

Limits the number of characters that can be entered in a field with Input Type of textbox. If not specified, it uses the HTML default (unlimited).

Number of characters, for example:


Name Field

Defines how the name field for the object will display in the form:

autoName-only the autoName option is available

keyin-a textbox is provided for text entry

both-both a textbox and the autoName checkbox shown for the name field


Use to specify the name of the JPO program to get the field's data. This program gets the field values when the Field Type setting is program or programHTMLOutput.

Using a JPO to populate field data is recommended only when a select expression cannot be used to obtain the field value.

To see an example of a field that uses a program, see Field Values Obtained from a Program.

The name of a JPO, such as:





Range Function

Use to specify the name of the method in the JPO specified in the Range Program setting. See the Range Program setting below for more information.

The name of a function in the Range Program JPO, such as:




Range Program

Use to specify the name of a JPO that contains a method to get the field value ranges (choices). A range program is used only when the Input Type setting is combobox, radiobutton, or checkbox.

If the choices need to be presented on a page in a popup window, for example in a chooser, use the RangeHref parameter instead.

To see an example of a field configured with a range program, see Field for Attribute with Choices in Combo Box. Also see JPO for Getting Field Range Values (Choices).

The name of a JPO, such as:






Use to indicate the value for this field is required.

true--When completing the form, the user must enter a value for the field. The field label appears in red italic text. If the user does not enter a value and clicks Done, a JavaScript message appears that prompts the user to enter a value.

false (default)--When completing the create form, the user can leave this field blank.

Section Level

Used in conjunction with the Field Type: Section Header setting to define the level of heading.

To see an example, see Field as Section Header and Separator.

Two heading levels are available:

1 (default)--Font for heading label is large and a horizontal line is included above the label.

2--Font for heading label is smaller and the heading is in the same gray rectangle as standard fields.

Show Clear Button

Adds a Clear hyperlink next to the field. This setting applies to textarea, textbox, chooser, and date picker input fields. When the user clicks the Clear link, it clears the content of the field.



Show Type Icon

This setting applies only for fields that display the business type name in read-only mode.

If set to true, the field value displays along with the type icon for the business object being displayed by the current form page. The icon is defined in the emxFramework.smallIcon property in The icon displays to the left of the field data.

If no icon is defined for this type, the system looks for a property defined for the parent type and so on up the hierarchy. If no property is defined for any type in the hierarchy, the system uses the default icon specified in the emxFramework.smallIcon.defaultType property.


false (default)

To see an example of a field with a type icon, see Field Values as a Hyperlink and Type Icon.

Update Function

Specifies a method name in the JPO given in the Update Program setting. See Update Program for more information.

This setting can not be used with the required fields: Type, Name, Policy, Vault, Owner.

The name of a function in the Update Program JPO, such as:


setPackage Access


Update Program

Specifies a JPO that contains a method to set the field value when the user clicks Done. This program is used only when the Field Type setting is program or programHTMLOutput.

This setting can not be used with the required fields: Type, Name, Policy, Vault, Owner.

Using an update program is recommended only when the Field Type is not attribute or basic.

See JPO for Getting Field Values.

The name of a JPO, such as:






Specifies the method to execute for validating any cell. The file containing this method must be specified in the file. See Results of the Create Page.

The name of a method, such as:


Validate Type

Specifies how field values should be validated.

Basic or Restricted--The field values are validated against the value of emxFramework.Javascript.BadChars.

Name--The field values are validated against the value of emxFramework.Javascript.NameBadChars.

Vertical Group Name

Used for grouping fields vertically in create web forms. The fields with the same Vertical Group Name value will be are considered a group.

The name of the vertical group.

*Required Setting

Settings Not Supported

For reference, these settings are supported by emxForm.jsp, but are NOT supported by emxCreate.jsp:

  • Access Mask
  • Alternate OID Expression
  • Alternate Type Expression
  • Cols
  • Display Format
  • Display Time
  • Group Count
  • Help marker
  • inquiryPopup Modal
  • Popup Size
  • Printer Friendly
  • Remove Range Blank
  • Rows
  • Show Alternate Icon
  • sortColumnName
  • sortDirection
  • sort range values
  • table
  • Target Location
  • Tip Page