Where Used Page

The Where Used page automates the process of listing all parent assemblies of an object being changed, providing a tool for the engineering change process to determine the full impact of a proposed change. It provides the information required to implement a change that affects many product assemblies.

The Where Used page can be configured for any type and attached to its Categories menu. By default, the following types are configured with a Where Used link:

  • Product
  • Test Case
  • Specification
  • Build
  • Logical Feature
  • Manufacturing Feature
  • Configuration Feature
  • Product Configuration
  • Requirement (when ENOVIA Requirements Central is installed)
  • Use Case (when ENOVIA Requirements Central is installed)

Clicking on the Where Used category link shows a page that lists all the objects to which the context object is directly connected on the TO end of the relationship (i.e., the objects connected to the nth level are shown, by default).

This topic covers the following items:

Related Topics
Viewing Test Cases
Viewing the Feature OptionTable
Configuring Variant Configuration Central


The Where Used table has the following columns:

Column Description
Name The name of the object where the part is used
Level The level of the object within the parent assembly. By default, the level signifies levels back from the current level. Your system may be configured otherwise.
Label Says where the object is used (e.g., "Used in Logical Structure")
Type The type of related object
Revision The revision of the object
Description The text entered as the description in the object's properties
State The current state of the object in its lifecycle
Owner The person who is currently assigned responsibility for the object

Raise Engineering Change

Selecting one or more items and clicking Raise Engineering Change in the page toolbar creates an engineering change for the selected items. This opens the Create Engineering Change page. When the engineering change is created, all selected items from the Where Used page are connected to the engineering change as affected items. For details, see Working with Engineering Changes.