Generating a Planning BOM for a Product Configuration

A planning BOM can be generated for a product configuration if at least one top level manufacturing feature exists.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a product configuration. For details, see Viewing Product Configuration Properties.
Related Topics
About PBOMs
BOM Preview Page
Generating/Viewing an EBOM for a Product Configuration
  1. From the page Actions menu or page toolbar, click Preview Planning BOM. This command is available for the product configurations in any state. The Structure View page opens.

  2. From the page Actions menu or page toolbar, click Generate Planning BOM.

    If no manufacturing features are associated with a product at the top level, a message is shown stating why the planning BOM has not been generated.

    If more than one valid part is connected to a feature at any level in the hierarchy other than the leaf level feature, and both evaluate to True, the following error message is shown:

    Invalid Product Configuration to generate BOM. Below feature has more than one part evaluated true for inclusion rules: 'feature name'