Assignees Page

This topic describes the Assignees page. The Assignees page shows all the assignees for the context object.

To access the Assignees page, from the Categories menu of the object where you want to view assignees, click Assignees.

Related Topics
Running a Search
Viewing Reference Documents
Assigning Design Responsibility

Assignees Table

The Assignees page opens with a list of persons assigned to the object in a table with the following columns:

Name To see details about the assignee, click the person's Name.
Organization The organizatio to which the assignee belongs
Work Phone Number The assignee's work phone number
Email The assignee's work email address
(New Window icon) Click this icon to open the Properties page for the assignee in a new window.

Page Toolbar

Add Existing Adds another assignee to the context object. The Search page opens allowing you to select a person to assign.
Remove Select one or more assignees to activate this toolbar button. When you click the button, a message is displayed asking you to confirm that you want to remove the selected assignees. Click OK to confirm the removal or click Cancel if you want to keep the assignee associated with the object.