Product Variants Page

The Product Variants page lists the variants of a product.

To access the Product Variants page, in the Properties page for a product, from the Categories menu, click Variants > Actions > View Product Variants.. See also Product Properties Page.

Related Topics
Products Page
Running a Search
Product Revisions Page

Dynamic Grid Table

The existing product variants are displayed in a dynamic grid table with the following columns:

Display Name Name of the object. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object in a separate window.
Revision Shows the revision number of the object.
Product Variant One or more columns showing the variants of the product. The number of columns varies according to the number of existing variants.

Page Toolbar

You can enter an object name pattern in the Name field (wildcards are allowed) and then use the buttons in the page toolbar to find or filter objects the object name.

Button Description
Find Finds objects based on the pattern of characters entered in the Name field.
Filter Filters objects based on the pattern of characters entered in the Name field.