Product Properties Page

This topic describes the Properties page for a product. You can access the Properties page by clicking on a highlighted product name from anywhere in ENOVIA Product Line Management. The Properties page shows details about the product and provides access to related items.

ENOVIA Product Line Management contains a special option that allows you to quickly see and work with items related to the product. When a product Properties page is opened, the left frame contains the Structure Navigator, which shows related items in a tree format. For details on using the Structure Navigator, see Using the Structure Navigator.

You can access the product Properties page from the list of products. For details, see Products Page.

This topic covers:

Related Topics
Running a Search
Editing Product Properties
Cloning a Product by Copy Selected

Structure Browser

You can access the product Properties page from the list of products. Click the name of a product or at the end of the row.

For a description of the above properties, see Creating a Product.

Actions Menu

The following commands are available from the page Actions menu to work with the product:

Action Description
Edit Details Allows you to edit product properties.
Revise Creates a new revision. For details, see Creating a Product Revision.

If a revision already exists, an error message is displayed stating: This Product Revision has already been revised and cannot be revised again.. In this case, you can still click Categories > Product Derivation > Actions > Create New Revision.

Add to Portfolio Adds the product to an existing portfolio. The search page opens.
Copy Creates a new product from copying the product.
Subscribe Lets you subscribe to notifications of changes to the product. For details, see Subscription Events for Products.
Create Defect Creates a new defect that is reported against the selected product revision(s). This menu item appears only if ENOVIA Defect Management is installed.

For details, see ENOVIA > IP Work-In-Progress > Defect Management > Working with Defects > Creating a Defect.

The Categories menu allows you to view additional information about the product. For details, see Categories for Products.