Creating a Build

This task shows you how to create a build. A build can be created in the context of a product or product configuration or without context and simply connected to a product or product configuration at a later date. Builds created in the context of a product or product configuration are end item builds connected to that product and can be manufactured and delivered to customers.

When a build is created in the context of product, it is also connected to the model associated with that product. When a build is created in the context of a product configuration, it is also connected to the product associated with that product configuration and the model associated with that product.

By default, a build can be connected to multiple products. If the Unit Tracking application is installed, a build can only be connected to ONE product.

Related Topics
About Builds
Running a Search
Viewing Build Properties
  1. To create a build, do one of the following:

    • From the global toolbar Actions menu, click Product Line > Create Build.
    • Access the list of builds and click Create Build from the page Actions menu or page toolbar. For details, see Viewing Builds.
    • If ENOVIA X-BOM Unit Tracking is installed, from the As-Built BOM page Actions menu, click Add New Build/Lot.

  2. Enter details about the build, including the following:

    Name. Type the name of the new build or check Autoname for the system to assign a name automatically to this build. Only the Autoname option is available if the Number of Builds value is greater than 1

    Type. Click and select the build type: hardware or software. After you select a build type, only those policies available for that build type can be selected.

    Number of Builds. Type the number of builds to generate. You can generate a single build or multiple builds. The default is 1. The maximum number of builds that can be generated is determined by a property setting.

    Description. Type details that describe the build.

    Owner. Click to assign an owner. By default, the person who creates the build is its owner.

    Product. Click to select the context product for which the build is created. If you are creating the build in the context of a product, by default, this field is initially populated with that product but you can select any product under the model associated with the product in context. After you select a product, only product configurations associated with the product are available for the Product Configuration field.

    Product Configuration. Click to select the context product configuration for which the build is created. If you are creating the build in the context of a product configuration, by default, this field is populated with that product configuration and the product field is automatically populated with the product associated with that product configuration.

    Design Responsibility. Click to select the organization responsible for this build. If a context product is selected, the design responsibility is populated with the product's design responsibility.

    Build Disposition. Use the drop-down list set the build's disposition, or current status. Possible values are Production, Shipped, Service, Inventory, N/A, or blank. This attribute is used in addition to tracking the life-cycle status of the build.

    Customer. Click to select the customer satisfied by this build. You can select a customer from the available list of the customers.

    Contract Number. Type the customer contract number satisfied by this build.

    Plant. Click to select the plant responsible for the build.

    Planned Build Date. Click to select the date on which the build is planned.

    Actual Build Date. Click to select a date after the Planned Build date to actually build the build.

    Date Shipped. Click to select a date after the Actual Build date to ship the build to the customer or inventory location.

    Policy. Displays the policy applicable to this build.

    Vault. Click to select the vault for this build.

  3. Click Done.