Viewing Builds

This task shows you how to view the Builds page. The Builds page shows all the build instances owned by you or assigned to you. Depending on where you access the Builds page from, you may see additional or fewer fields.

By default, the Builds page shows the maximum number of columns available. You can create your own personal view of the page by clicking View in the page toolbar. You can reorganize the page, remove columns or hide columns. See Designing Your Own Page Views.

Related Topics
About Builds
Creating a Build
Running a Search
  1. To view the Builds page, do one of the following:

    • From the global toolbar, click > Product Line > Builds.
    • If you are already working with a product or a product configuration, click Builds from the Categories menu.

    The Builds page opens. By default, all builds you own are displayed. You can use the filter in the upper right corner of the page to change the list to show all builds.

    Click on the page toolbar to filter the list of builds by type, state, and owner. Click on the Auto Filter Selection page or see Filtering Page Data.

    The Builds page contains the following columns:

    The first column after the check box shows the slip days icon, which indicates the correlation between the planned build date and the actual build date. The slipdays icon is green if the actual build date is less than the planned build date by a certain number of days (as per the settings made in the file). It is red if the actual build date is greater than the planned build date by a certain number of days. For all other cases the icon remains yellow, unless either the planned build date or actual build date is not entered; then the slipdays icon column is blank. For example:

    If the file settings are:

    emxProductLine.Build.IconRedDays = 5

    emxProductLine.Build.IconGreenDays = -2


    If the planned build date is 05 Apr 2009


    • The slipdays icon will be red if the actual build date is greater than 10 Apr 2009.
    • The slipdays icon will be yellow if the actual build date is in between 03 Apr 2009 and 10 Apr 2004.
    • The slipdays icon will be green if the actual build date is less than 03 Apr 2009.

    Name. Name of the build. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.

    Type. The type or subtype.

    State. The current state of the build in its lifecycle.

    Owner. Person who is currently assigned responsibility for the build.

    Originator. The person who created the build. This person may not necessarily be the owner of the build.

    Description. Details about the build.

    Build Serial Number. The build's serial number.

    Build Unit Number. The build's unit number. A unit number is auto generated for builds created in the context of a product and/or product configuration. The unit number generated corresponds to the last unit number generated under the context model for that product. For example, if the last build created under a model was assigned a unit number of 11, the next build created under the model is assigned a unit number of 12.

    Shorthand Notation. The shorthand notation used for the build. For example: A1, A2, A3. When a build is created in the context of a product, the product's shorthand notation is automatically assigned to the build.

    Build Disposition. Sets the build's disposition, or current status, as Production, Shipped, Service, Inventory, N/A, or can also remain blank. This attribute is in addition to tracking the life-cycle status of the build.

    Planned Build Date. The date on which the build is planned to be built.

    Actual Build Date. The date on which the build is actually built.

    Date Shipped. The date on which the build is shipped to the customer or inventory location.

    Plant. The plant responsible for manufacturing the build.

    Manufacturing Plans. The manufacturing plan to which the build is assigned. Manufacturing Planners and Product Managers can assign the builds defined for a product to the manufacturing plans defined for that product. This column is available only when Design and Manufacturing Configuration Planning is installed.

    Customer. The customer satisfied by this build.

    Contract Number.The customer contract number satisfied by this build.

    Part Number. The part number assigned to the build.

    Part Revision. The revision number for the part number assigned to the build.

    Product. The build's context product.

    Product Configuration. The build's context product configuration. The product configuration must be related to the build's context product.

  2. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with builds.

    • Create Build. Creates a new build.
    • Add Existing. You can add an existing build to the context product. This command is only available when you access the Builds page in the context of a product. The Search page opens.
    • Remove. Removes the relationship between any checked builds and the context product. It does not delete the builds from the database. This command is only available when you access the Builds page in the context of a product.
    • Delete. To delete a build, check the box and select Delete. You are prompted to verify the deletion. Click OK.

      A build cannot be deleted once it reaches the Complete state or once the context product reaches the Releases state.

  3. Click Enable Edit in the page toolbar to use in-cell editing to make modifications to certain build attributes.