Viewing Intended Product Units

This task shows you how to view a build's intended product units or the product builds into which the build is expected to be installed. Product builds are end-item builds. When a product build is connected to a build, it becomes an intended product unit. Typically lower level builds are installed into higher level product builds. Product Planners, Manufacture Planners, Product Managers, and System Engineers can maintain the intended product units for a build.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a build. For details, see Viewing Build Properties.
Related Topics
About Builds
Running a Search
Build Distributions Page
  1. From the Categories menu, click Intended Product Units.

    The Intended Product Units page contains the following columns:

    Name. Name of the product build. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.

    Revision. The revision number or code.

    Type. The type or subtype.

    Description. Details about the product build.

    State. The current state of the product build in its lifecycle.

    Owner. Person who is currently assigned responsibility for the product build.

    Product. The product to which this product build is connected.

  2. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu or page toolbar to work with the product builds.

    • Add Existing. You can add an existing product build to the context build. The search results will only display product builds.
    • Remove. Removes the relationship between any checked product builds and the context build. It does not delete the product build from the database.