Editing Build Properties

This task shows you how to edit a build's details.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a build. For details, see Viewing Build Properties.
Related Topics
About Builds
Viewing Builds
Running a Search
  1. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, click Edit Details.

  2. Make modifications, as necessary. The following can be changed:

    Description. You can add details to the description or replace the existing description.

    Owner. Click to assign a different owner.

    Product. Click to select a different context product for the build. Before you can clear the existing context product, you must first clear the existing context product configuration. If you select a new product with a different context model than the previous product, a new Build Unit Number is assigned. If you select a new product with the same context model as the previous product, the Build Unit Number remains the same.

    Product Configuration. Click to select a different context product configuration for the build. If a context product has already been selected, only product configurations associated with that product are available. If a context product has not been selected, you can select any product configuration and the Product field is automatically populated with the product associated with that product configuration.

    Assigned Part. Click to select a new assigned part number for the build.

    Build Responsibility. Click to select the organization responsible for this build. If a context product is selected, the build responsibility is populated with the product's build responsibility.

    Planned Build Date. Click to select the date on which the build is planned.

    Actual Build Date. Click to select a date after the Planned Build date to actually build the build.

    Build Shorthand Notation. Modify the shorthand notation used for the build.

    Date Shipped. Click to select a date after the Actual Build date to ship the build to the customer or inventory location.

    Build Serial Number. Modify the build's serial number.

    Plant. Click to select the plant responsible for manufacturing the build.

    Build Disposition. From the drop-down list, select one of Inventory, Production, Service, Shipped, N/A, or you can leave this field blank. The build disposition describes the current status of the build.

    Customer. Click to select a different customer satisfied by this build. You can select a customer from the available customer list or type the name of the customer.

    Contract Number. Enter the customer's contract number.

  3. Click Done.