From the global toolbar, click > Program
> Business Goals.
For each goal, this page lists these details:
Name. The name of the business goal.
Goal Description. A brief description of the
Business Benefit. A description of the benefit
of the goal.
State. Business goals can be in the Created,
Active, or Complete states but Complete goals are not listed on this
Effective Date. The date the goal will begin
to be tracked. Financial data reported is based on the given interval.
The interval is based on the date value provided up to a year.
Business Unit. The company or business unit
the goal is assigned to.
Owner. The person who owns the business goal.
The owner typically has primary responsibility for the goal but any host
company employee with the Business Manager role can edit and delete the
. Open the Basic Information page of the business goal in a new window.
To filter the list of templates, select an option from the drop-down
list at the top, right:
My Goals. Shows all incomplete goals assigned
to me.
Business Unit. Shows all incomplete goals for
your business unit. If you are not assigned to a business unit, this
filter view does not show any goals.
Company. Shows all incomplete goals assigned
to the parent company. This list is not a cumulative list of goals for
the company and its business units, but only a list of goals specifically
assigned to the parent company. For a cumulative list of business goals
for a company and its business units, use business goal search: Searching for Business Goals.