Viewing Dashboard Details/Metrics

The Dashboard Details page and Metrics tab lets you view summary information about the projects in the dashboard, along with access to metrics and quality details. The page displays dynamic columns based on the project template selected by the user. The status of each project can be viewed against the work breakdown structure of the selected project template. You can view information in regards to the actual WBS task.

Before you begin: View the list of dashboards. See Listing Dashboards. Or view the list of dashboards for a program. See Viewing the Dashboard for a Program.
  1. From the Dashboards page, click the Name of the dashboard you want to view.


    From the Categories menu for a project, click Dashboard and click the Metrics tab.

  2. Click the Name of the dashboard to launch a separate window showing a PowerView of the WBS.

  3. The first level WBS tasks are displayed as column headers.

    If the project in the dashboard was created earlier from the Project Template selected in the drop down, the new columns show non-blank values. For all other projects in the dashboard, the cell against a new column is blank.

    The value displayed against the WBS task column is a combination of estimated completion date of the task and percentage complete of the task.

  4. The following color coding is used to distinguish tasks:

    Red. Tasks that are late.

    Orange. Tasks at risk.

    Green. Tasks that are complete.

    Standard. Tasks that are not complete but not late or at risk.

  5. Check Include Level2 to display second level tasks as new columns in the table.

  6. Check Show Milestones to display only milestone tasks.