Types of Tasks
The Tasks page displays three kinds of tasks assigned to the current user:
Each task listed on the Tasks page has a Status icon indicating whether the task is on time or late. Furthermore, a Status field shows whether the task is Not Started, In Process, or Complete. You can complete or reject only inbox tasks. When you first open the Tasks page, only active tasks are listed but you can see completed tasks using the filter list. Tasks assigned to you can be deleted and if they are, you are notified. The owner of the task's context object can delete tasks. Another reason tasks are deleted is if the owner defines several tasks to be assigned at once and specifies that only one needs to be completed. Sub-Routes for Tasks
A sub-route for a task is a route that the task assignee creates to help complete the task. For example, suppose a task requires that you approve a document, but you want other people's feedback before you enter your approval. You can create a sub-route to gather information from the other people and then complete your task. If needed, you can create multiple sub-routes for a task. A task cannot be completed until its sub-routes are complete. If you have Create Route access, you can create one or more sub-routes for any task that you are assigned. The steps for creating a sub-route are very similar to the steps for creating a route, with the following exceptions:
Also note these characteristics of sub-routes:
To create a sub-route for a task, navigate to the Routes category for the Task and follow the instructions in Creating a Route with Only Basic Information, Creating a Simple Route, or Creating a Route Using a Wizard. Rejected Tasks
After the task assignee completes a task that is marked as Needs Owner Review, the task is promoted to the Review state and the route owner reviews the task. If the owner approves the task, the system promotes the task to Complete and notifies the task assignee. If the owner rejects the task, the system demotes the task back to Assigned and notifies the assignee. The task assignee must complete the task again based on the review comments the route owner entered. Furthermore, if a Task is rejected the task is not restarted. The Route owner must create a new Task if further information is needed for the Task. When rejecting a task, the route owner may reassign the task to someone other than the original assignee. The new assignee receives the notification and must complete the task. This means you might receive a notification about a task that is rejected even though you didn't work on the task originally. You complete a rejected task in the same way you complete a new task, as described in Completing a Route Task. The only differences are: