Creating a Route with Only Basic Information

You can create a route by entering only basic information for it. After creating the route, you must define content, member access, and tasks before you can start the route.

For instructions on using the Route wizard to define all components of the route when you create it, see Creating a Route Using a Wizard.

Related Topics
About Creating a Route
Routes Based on Route Templates
  1. From the global toolbar, click > My Enovia > Routes. The Routes page comes up. Select Create Route from the Actions menu.


    Access the list of routes for a particular object and click Create Route from the page Actions menu or toolbar on the Routes page. For details, see Routes Page.

  2. Enter the Name you want to use for the new route, or check Autoname to have the system assign a name. When a route is autonamed, the system assigns a prefix and a sequential number for the name, such as R-000305.

  3. For sub-routes that you are creating to complete another route's task, use the Visible to Parent Route Owner options to choose whether you want the sub-route to be shown to people who can access the parent route. This includes the parent route owner, all members of the parent route, and Workspace Leads.

    • No. Others cannot see the sub-route
    • Yes. Others can see the sub-route.

    These options are not shown unless the route is a sub-route.

  4. If you want to base the route on a template, click the Template . See Selecting a Template for a Route.

  5. Enter a Description that indicates the route's purpose.

    If you base the route on an existing template, the description is already entered. You can edit it as needed.

  6. Select the Route Base Purpose, which determines the kind of tasks included in the route.

    • Standard. The route can include tasks that require the assignee's approval or comment or tasks intended only for notification or information.
    • Approval. The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's approval.
    • Review. The route includes only tasks that require the assignee's comment.

  7. Choose the route's Scope: All or Organization. You can click to choose a specific workspace or folder. For details, see The Scope of a Route.

  8. Select a Route Completion Action, which determines the events that will occur when the route is complete:

    • Notify Route Owner. When the route is complete (all tasks are completed), the system sends a notification to the route owner.
    • Promote Connected Object. This option is for routes with content for which the route owner has defined lifecycle block states. If this option is selected, the system automatically promotes the object when the route is completed, assuming no other routes or requirements are blocking promotion. The route owner is also notified of the route completion.

  9. Select a value for Auto Stop on Rejection to define what happens when a task in the route is rejected:

    • Immediate. The route stops immediately.
    • Deferred. The route stops after other tasks at the same level are completed or rejected.

  10. Click Done.

  11. The Properties page for the new route opens. Before starting the route, you must add content (if needed), add members and assign accesses, and define tasks using these procedures:

    When ready to start the route, follow the instructions in Starting or Resuming a Route.