Departments Page

The Departments page lists basic information about departments for the selected company, subsidiary, business unit, or department. This page provides access to specific department details. In addition, a deparment may contain another level of departments (sub-departments).

To access this page:

  1. Log in as a user with the role of Organization Manager.
  2. View the properties page for the company, subsidiary, business unit or department. See Company Properties Page orBusiness Unit Properties Page.
  3. From the page toolbar, click Categories > Departments.

This page provides details about:

Related Topics
About Profile Management
Creating a Company, Subsidiary, Business Unit, or Department


This table describes the columns:

Column Name Description
Name The Name of the department. You can click to view its Properties page. See Department Properties Page.
Phone The main department phone number, as included in the business unit definition.
Fax Main fax number or fax number of primary contact.
Web Site The URL of the department's Web site.
Opens the Properties page for the department in a new window.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table lists the available actions:

Action Description For details, see:
Create New Creates a department. Creating a Company, Subsidiary, Business Unit, or Department
Delete Deletes checked departments, click OK to confirm. --