Business Unit Properties Page

The Business Unit Properties page lists details about the business unit and provides access to edit business unit details and links to locations, people, and departments defined for the business unit.

To access this page:

  1. List the business units. See Business Units Page.
  2. Click the Name of the business unit.

This page provides details about:

Related Topics
Editing Details About a Business Unit


This page contains details entered when the business unit was created or modified. For details on specific fields, see Creating a Company, Subsidiary, Business Unit, or Department.

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table defines the available actions:

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the properties. Editing Details About a Business Unit
Collaborate Requests to collaborate with another organization. You then select the organization(s) and share types for the collaboration. After the collaboration request is created, the Organization Manager of the target organization must accept it as described in Collaboration Requests Page. --
Activate/Deactivate Activates or deactivates the company (toggles between the active and inactive states). --

Categories Menu

Category Description For details, see:

Business Units

Lists the business units added for the company and lets you add and edit them.

Business Units Page


Lists capabilities for a company or subsidiary.

Capabilities Page

Collaboration Partners

Shows a list of companies that are defined as collaboration partners for the context company.

Collaboration Partners Page


Shows the departments for the company.

Departments Page


Shows the formats available to a company or subsidiary.

Formats Page


Shows location details for the company.

Locations Page


Shows the plants for the company.

Plants Page


Provides access to definitions of people who work for the company.

People Page


Shows the regions.

Regions Page


Views and manages images associated with the company.

Images Page


Lists the certifications for the company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Development Managers

Lists the development managers associated with the company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Directed By

Lists the directors for the company.

Supplier Central User's Guide


Lists the downloads associated with the company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Part Quality Plans

Lists the plans defined for the company (when the company is a supplier).

Supplier Central User's Guide


Lists the parts associated with a company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Plant Scorecards

Lists the scorecards for the company (when the company is a supplier).

Supplier Central User's Guide

Purchase Classes

Lists the purchase classes for a company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Supplier Scorecards

Lists the supplier scorecards for the company.

Supplier Central User's Guide

Supplier Development Plans

Lists the plans defined for a supplier company.

Supplier Central User's Guide