Engineering Changes Page

If you access the Engineering Changes page from the Product Line global menu, by default it shows all active engineering changes. A filter in the upper right of the page allows you to change the view to Owned and Active, Assigned and Active, Owned and Inactive, or Assigned and Inactive. You can also access the page from an object's Categories menu, where it shows engineering changes that are related to the object.

When Engineering Configuration Central is installed, the Engineering Change page that is accessed from a product context contains three tabs: Engineering Changes, Mod Stacks, and Unit Changes. See the Engineering Configuration Central User's Guide for details.

  • The Mod Stacks tab shows the mod stacks that are associated with all PUE ECOs of the selected product.
  • The Unit Changes tab shows a list of PUE ECOs associated with the product.

To access this page, click the Engineering Changes link from the global toolbar, for example: > Product Line > Engineering Changes


For objects that have engineering changes, view the Properties page for the object and click Categories > Engineering Changes from the page toolbar.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
Name The engineering change object's name. You can click to view its Properties page. See Engineering Change Properties.
Type The type of object (engineering change).
Description A description of the engineering change.
State The current lifecycle state of the engineering change.
Reason for Change The reason for the engineering change.
Severity The severity of the engineering change. Values are Low, Medium, or High.
Owner The owner of the engineering change.
Quick access to related files. See Files Associated with an Object.
Opens the Properties page for the engineering change in a separate window.


You can choose which engineering changes to show in the list from the drop-down list at the top, right of the page. The page shows only those engineering changes in the state combination you choose.

  • All Active
  • Owned and Active
  • Assigned and Active
  • Owned and Inactive
  • Assigned and Inactive

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Create Engineering Change Create a new engineering change. Creating an Engineering Change
Effort Report View the effort report for the checked engineering change. Effort Report
Status Report View the status report for the checked engineering change. Status Report
Delete Delete checked engineering changes, click OK to confirm. --