Tasks Page (Inbox, WBS, and Workflow)

Route tasks show in the same list as tasks created by a Work Breakdown Structure or a Workflow.

See About Tasks for more information about the Tasks page. For workflows, tasks are not listed in your task list until the previous workflow tasks are completed and it is your turn to complete your task.

To access this page, use one of these methods:

  • From the global toolbar, click > My Enovia > Tasks
  • If you have Engineering Central or Engineering Configuration Central installed, click > Engineering > My View, and click the Tasks tab.

This topic defines these items:

Related Topics
Types of Tasks


Column Name Description
The icons in the second column show whether the task is on time or late. Status icons have special meaning depending on the kind of task.
  • For Inbox and Workflow tasks, a green arrow means the task is on time. It is either not yet due or was completed before the due date. A red square means the task was not completed in time for the due date. Pending tasks and tasks that have no assigned due date have no icon.
  • For WBS tasks, a green arrow means the task is complete. Yellow means the task is not complete and the current date is up to 5 days later than the task's estimated finish date. Red means the task is not complete and the current date is more than 5 days behind the schedule. No icon indicates the task is not late.
Name The task name. To get more information about a task, click its Name. If you listed Tasks to be Accepted and want to accept a task, click the Name of the task. See Route Task Properties.
Type The task type, which is displayed from the task object. Task types derive from routes, projects, or workflow processes.
State The current state for this task, for example, Assigned or Complete.
Instructions Any instructions the task creator wrote for you.
Due Date The date by which you must complete the task. If a task is overdue, its Status is Red or Yellow, as described in the Status field above.
Context The related object for this task. For inbox tasks, this is the connected Route object, for workflow tasks this is the workflow object, and for WBS tasks this is the project object. This can also be a supplier Part Quality Plan (PQP). To get more information about the context object, click its name.
The number of attachments for the task. All versions of files checked into the context object are counted.
Workspace Shows the workspace folder connected to the task. If the task is created from an application other than Team Central, there will be no workspace folder.
Click to view the Properties page for the task in a separate window.


The filter in the upper right lets you select which tasks you want to view:

  • All Tasks. all tasks you are a member of
  • Active. all tasks not yet completed
  • Complete. all tasks completed
  • Tasks to be Accepted. Tasks assigned to a group or role you are a member of

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Complete. Marks the selected inbox tasks as complete, click OK to confirm. For a Workflow task to be completed, it must be in the Assigned state. --
Reject. Rejects selected inbox tasks, click OK to confirm. You cannot reject WBS tasks or Workflow tasks. If you try to reject WBS or Workflow tasks, an error message displays. --
Mass Approval Approves multiple tasks. Approving Multiple Tasks