Workflow Graph Page

The workflow owner and task assignees can view a graphical representation of the workflow. This shows all tasks and activities included in the process definition that the workflow instance was based on.

To access this page:

  1. View the list of workflows. See Workflows Page.
  2. Click the Name of the workflow. The workflow graph opens, showing the icons that represent the tasks and activities within the workflow.

This table describes the available actions. Different commands are available depending on the state of the workflow.

Action Description For details, see:
Edit Details Edits the description, owner, or due date of the workflow if its state is Not Started or Stopped. Editing Workflow Details
Start Starts the workflow if its state is Not Started or Stopped. When a workflow is started, it creates the first-level tasks based on the process definition. Starting a Workflow
Stop Stops the workflow if its state is Started or Suspended. If the workflow is stopped, connected tasks are not deleted. When the workflow is subsequently restarted, then the connected tasks including completed tasks are deleted. --
Suspend Suspends the workflow if its state is Started. All connected active tasks are suspended. --
Resume Resumes the workflow whose state is Suspended. All connected suspended tasks are resumed. --
Delete Deletes a workflow that you own whose state is Not Started or Stopped. Deleting a Workflow