Workflows Page

Workflow instances are created based on process definitions created in Business Modeler. The workflow can be used to regulate some business task. As each person marks his or her task complete, the workflow moves on to the next task or set of tasks. You can list either all workflows that you own, or you can list all workflows that are related to a specific object

To list workflows that you own, click > My Enovia > Workflows > Workflows from the global toolbar.

To list workflows related to a specific object, click Categories > Workflows in the object's page toolbar.

This topic defines these items:


Column Name Description
The status of the workflow. A green arrow means all workflow tasks are on time. A yellow diamond means at least one workflow task, not including the last task in the workflow, is late. A red square means the last task is late.
Name The name of the workflow. To see details about a workflow, click its name. See Workflow Properties Page.
Description The description that the creator or owner entered for the workflow.
  • Not Started. You created the workflow but didn't start it yet, so no tasks have been created yet. Only the workflow creator can access Not Started workflows.
  • Started. The workflow has been started but not all assignees have completed their tasks.
  • Suspended. The workflow owner has clicked the Suspend link from the page Actions menu or toolbar on one of the Workflows pages.
  • Stopped. The workflow owner has clicked the Stop link from the page Actions menu or toolbar on one of the Workflows pages.
  • Completed. All members have completed their tasks for the workflow.
Due Date The date that the workflow owner has indicated the workflow should be completed. If this date has passed and the final task has not yet been completed, the workflow status icon is red.
Related Objects (Shown only on the Workflows page) The objects that have been added as content to the workflow. Click the underlined object name to view details about the object.
Owner (Shown only on object-related Workflows page) The person who owns the workflow.
Click to view the Properties page for the workflow in a separate window.


The filter in the upper right of the page shows any of the following workflow views:

  • All
  • Not started
  • In process
  • Suspended
  • Completed within last 30 days
  • Completed within last 60 days
  • Completed within last 90 days

Actions Menu and Page Toolbar

This table describes the available actions.

Action Description For details, see:
Create New Creates a new workflow. Creating a Workflow
Start Starts a selected workflow. The workflow must be in the Not Started or Stopped state. When a workflow is started, it creates the first-level tasks based on the process definition activities Starting a Workflow
Stop Stops a selected workflow in the Started or Suspended state. Connected tasks are kept. When the workflow is restarted, the connected tasks, including completed tasks, are deleted and the workflow starts again from the beginning --
Change Owner Reassigns ownership of a selected workflow to another person. The person chooser opens where you select the person to own the workflow. A workflow can be reassigned only in the Not Started or Stopped state. --
Resume Resumes a selected workflow in the Suspended state. All connected suspended tasks are resumed. --
Suspend Pauses a selected workflow in the Started state. All connected active tasks are suspended, which means that task assignees cannot check in deliverables or promote their tasks. --
Delete Deletes a workflow that you own whose state is Not Started or Stopped. Deleting a Workflow