Editing Details about a Company

Users assigned to the role of Organization Manager can edit information about their own company. Only Organization Managers for the host company can edit information about other companies. The same page is used to edit information for a company or subsidiary.

Before you begin:
  1. Click the Name of the company or subsidiary you want to edit. The Properties page open for the selected company.

  2. From the Properties page, click Edit Details from the page Actions menu or toolbar.

    See Company Properties Page for descriptions of the fields on this page.

  3. Make any needed changes. You can edit all fields except the Primary Vault and the Image. To change the image, see Managing Images.

    To change the Resource Manager, click .

    To change the IMDS ID, click . See the EMaterials Compliance Central User's Guide for details.

  4. Click Done.

  5. If you have already changed the host company Name from "Company Name" to another value and you change the name again, you must reload the system cache by selecting > Utilities > Reload Cache.

  6. If you change the File Store for a Company and the File Store does not display, choose > Utilities > Reload Cache from the global toolbar.

    The File Store set here overrides the one set using System Manager or MQL. ENOVIA product users will use the File Store set here while general client users will use the File Store set in the system.