Processing Completed Workflows

When the last person in a workflow completes his or her task, the workflow state changes to Complete and the system notifies the workflow owner. At this point, the workflow owner should review the tasks and any content that has been edited or added.

Before you begin: View the Workflows page from an object's Categories menu, or view the list of workflows. See Workflows Page.
  1. Click the Name of the finished workflow

  2. Review any edited or added content by clicking Categories > Content from the workflow page toolbar. See Documents and Content.

  3. Review any edited or added deliverables by clicking Categories > Deliverables from the workflow page toolbar. See Workflow Deliverables Page.

  4. To remove content from the workflow:

    1. From the workflow Content page, check the items you want to remove.
    2. Click Remove from the page Actions menu or toolbar.
    3. Click OK to confirm.