Searching for Defect Actions

You can search for a Defect Action from the global toolbar search menu. In addition, you can search for Defect Actions from several dialogs within Defect Management, such as when marking a Defect Action as dependent on another Defect Action.

If the search page shows a list of attributes along the side instead of a form at the top, see Searching by Navigation for help.

  1. Use one of these methods to open the search dialog:

    1. From the global toolbar, click Search > Defect Management > Defect Actions.


    1. View the Properties page of a Defect Action. See Viewing Defect Action Details.
    2. From the Properties page of a Defect Action, click one of these options from the page Actions menu or toolbar:
    • Add Existing Dependent
    • Mark as Dependent

    Search Defect Action

  2. Enter criteria for any of these attributes; you can use wildcards and enter multiple values (separated by commas) in any text field, and you can leave any field empty:

    Type. Shows "Defect Action". You cannot change the type.

    Owner. The person who owns the Defect Action, or click the ellipsis button to select that person.

    Originator. The person who created the Defect Action, or click the ellipsis button to select that person.

    Title.The title of the Defect Action.

    Candidate Item. The Model where the Defect Action is planned to be included in a future release.

    Affected Item. Any product that is affected by the Defect Action, in addition to the product the defect was reported against.

    Deferred. Product or Model to which the Defect Action was deferred.

    Satisfied In. The Build that includes the fix defiend by the Defect Action.

    Defect Title. The Title of the defect this Defect Action belongs to.

    Defect Reported Against Product. The product name against which the Defect associated with this Defect Action is reported.

    Defect Introduced In. The version (release) number where the Defect was introduced.

    Defect Description. Text in the description field of the Defect.

    Defect Steps to Reproduce. Text that may be included in the Steps to Reproduce details from the Defect.

    Name. The name of the Defect Action.

    Policy. To select a specific policy:

    1. Click the ellipsis button. Multiple policies show in the list only if your installation has defined additional policies. As installed, only the Defect Action policy shows.
    2. Click the needed policy.
    3. Click . If you change the policy, the values available for the Current field are updated to list the states in the selected policy.

    Vault. Click to specify the vault in which to search.

    Description. Text in the description field of the Defect Action.

    Defect Action Type.

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed Defect Action Type.
    3. Click .

    Where Found.

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed value.
    3. Click .

    Resolution Category.

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed resolution category.
    3. Click .


    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed cause value.
    3. Click .

    Defect Keywords. Any words to help categorize the Defect.

    Defect When Found. The stage of the product development process where the Defect was discovered:

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed development process.
    3. Click .

    Defect Regression. Yes or No to indicate if the Defect is a regression.

    Defect Regression From. Release number from where the feature worked.

    Defect Notes. Any words entered in the Notes field of the Defect.

    Revision. Specific revision level, or check the needed box:

    • Highest. Searches for the most current revision of the Defect Action.
    • By State. Searches for the current revision in the selected state.

    State. Click the ellipsis button to restrict the search to Defect Actions in a specific lifecycle state. Select the needed state, then click .

    Originated. To search for Defect Actions created within a specified time frame:

    1. Click the ellipsis button.

    2. Select a comparison operator from the drop-down list: = (equals), > (greater than), < (less than), or Between.
    3. For all operators except Between, select a date from the first calendar field.

      For Between, select a date for both calendar fields.

    4. Click .

    Modified. Click the ellipsis button to specify the date range to search for Defect Actions modified within a specific date range. This field works the same as Originated.

    Action Assignee. The person assigned to resolve the Defect Action:

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Enter search criteria. SeeRunning a Search.
    3. Click Search.
    4. Check the needed person and click Submit.

    Quality Assignee. the person assigned to testing the fix submitted by the Action Assignee. This field works the same as Action Assignee.

    Reason for Demotion. Any text entered when a Defect Action was demoted from one state to an earlier state in its lifecycle.

    Reason for Rejection. The reason selected when the Defect Action was rejected.

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Click the needed reason.
    3. Click .

    Defect Originator.The person who created the Defect, or click the ellipsis button to select that person.

    Defect Severity. The severity level of the Defect.

    1. Click the ellipsis button.
    2. Select a severity value.
    3. Click .

    Defect Priority. The priority level of the Defect. This field works the same as Severity.

    Environment. The operating environment name.

    Defect Owner. The person who owns the Defect. This field works the same as Action Assignee.

  3. Use the Limit to text box to specify how many items should be shown in the search results. For example, if you limit the results to 50, the system will get only the first 50 items from the database that match your criteria. The maximum is by default 1000, but may vary depending on your installation setup.

  4. Choose whether to run a case sensitive search (check box at top) or a case insensitive search. If you clear or check this box, the ENOVIA system remembers that and uses the same choice for subsequent searches.

  5. Click Search. The bottom of the page displays the results that meet your criteria.

    For each Defect Action that matches the search criteria, the results list shows these details:

    Name. The name of the Defect Action. Click the name to view the Defect Action's Properties page.

    Revision. The revision level of the Defect Action.

    Title. The Defect Action's title.

    Defect Description. A description of the Defect.

    Defect Action Description. A description of the Defect Action.

    State. The current lifecycle state for the Defect Action.

    • Evaluate
    • Open
    • Test
    • Closed
    • Rejected

    Priority. The priority for fixing the Defect, where P0 means the highest priority and P3 is the lowest priority.

    Severity. How severe the defect is, where S0 is a showstopper and S3 is the least severe.

    Owner. The person who is currently responsible for the Defect Action.

    Originated Date. The date the Defect Action was created.

    Originator. The person who created the Defect Action.

    Assigned Engineers:

    • Action Assignee. The development person responsible for fixing the Defect. Click to view the Properties page for the person.
    • Quality Assignee. The quality assurance person responsible for testing the fixed Defect. Click to view the Properties page for the person.
    • Edit assignees. Click to open the Assign page. See Assigning a Defect Action.


    • Defect Action Type.
      • Software
      • Hardware
      • Documentation
      • Test
    • Availability. Does not show for Dependent Defect Actions. Indicates where the resolution for this Defect will be made:
      • Candidate. The Defect Action is connected to a Model as a candidate fix for a future release.
      • Committed. The Defect Action is connected to a specific Product for fixing.
      • Rejected. The problem reported by the defect is not accepted to be fixed.
      • Orphan. Not currently committed to a product, assigned as a candidate to a Model, or rejected.
    • Reason for Rejection. If the Defect Action was rejected, shows the reason. Does not show for Dependent Defect Actions.
    • Model / Product. If the Availability is Candidate, shows the Model. If the Availability is Committed, shows the Product. Click the object to view the Properties page. Does not show for Dependent Defect Actions.

    Reporting Information: Does not show for Dependent Defect Actions.

    • Reported Against. The Product, Feature, Requirement, or other object that the Defect is reported against. Click to view the object's Properties page.
    • Reporting Organization. The organization of the person who reported the Defect. Click to view the organization's Properties page.

    Defect Change Board Does not show for Dependent Defect Actions.

    • Change Responsibility. The organization responsible for implementing and testing the fix for the Defect. Click to view the Properties page for the organization.
    • (Change Board). Click to open the Change Board page. See Managing the Change Board for a Defect.

    (Edit). Click to open the Edit Details page for the Defect Action. See Editing Defect Action Details.

    New Window. Opens the Properties page of the Defect Action in a new window. See Viewing Defect Action Details.

  6. If you searched for a Defect Action to add it as a dependent or another Defect Action, or to add another Defect Action as a dependent of this one, select the needed Defect Action and click Submit.