In view mode, you can click the Edit button in the page toolbar to perform in-cell editing. The button name toggles to the View button to permit you to return to view mode. For details on editing in the structure browser, see Using the Structure Navigator.
The following views are provided in the Feature Option table:
- Status--This shows the basic information of the object along with the
status details. This is the default view.
- Selection--This shows information about the usage attributes of the
feature in the current context.
- Rules--This shows the configuration information. It shows the following
rules: Inclusion, Compatibility, Resource and Rule Extension along with
the desired expression wherever applicable.
- GBOM--This shows the General Bill of Materials information.
You can access the Feature Option table from the page Actions menu of any of the following:
- From Product - Features page. When invoking this view from the Features
page under a product, the context product is the top level object.
- From Products, Product Revisions, or Product Versions page. When
invoking this view from the Products page, the selected product is the
top level object. This command allows single selection only.
- From Features, Candidate Features, Subfeatures, or Feature Revisions
page. When invoking this view from the Features page, the selected feature
is the top level object. This command allows single selection only.
- From Where Used page of a product, feature, product configuration,
requirement, or build. The Feature Option command is displayed only if
the context object is of type product or feature. When invoking this
view from the Where Used page, the context product or feature is the
top level object. This command allows single selection only.