Satisfied By Requirement Page

The Satisfied By categories menu item displays all of the features that satisfy a requirement.

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To access the Satisfied By page, first access the Properties page for a logical feature (see Logical Feature Properties Page), then from the Categories menu, click Satisfied By.

Note: ENOVIA Requirements Central Foundation must be installed in order to use this function.


The Satisfied Requirements table contains the following columns:

Column Description
Active EC Yes or No; whether an active engineering change exists
Higher Revision This icon is displayed if a higher revision of the object exists.
Name The name of the requirement. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.
Revision The revision of the requirement
Type The type or subtype (e.g., Requirement)
Title The title of the requirement
Owner The person who is currently assigned responsibility for the requirement
State The current state of the requirement in its lifecycle
Priority The priority of the requirement (e.g., Low, Medium, or High)
Customer The customer who requested the requirement
Classification The type of requirement (e.g., Functional)
Attached File File(s) attached to the requirement, if any exist
New Window Opens the properties page for the requirement in a new window

Page Toolbar

The following commands are available on the page toolbar:

Toolbar Button Description
Categories Displays a list of categories of items related to the requirement
Actions Displays a list of actions that can be performed on the requirement
Edit Opens an Edit window in which you can edit the requirement properties