Generating a PBOM for a Product Configuration

This task shows you how to generate a Precise BOM (PBOM) for a product configuration.

Before you begin: Access the Product Configurations page. For details, see Viewing Product Configuration Properties.
Related Topics
About PBOMs
BOM Preview Page
Generating/Viewing an EBOM for a Product Configuration
  • To generate a PBOM for a product configuration, do one of the following:
    • Check a product configuration that is in the Generate BOM state and click Generate Precise BOM from the page Actions menu or page toolbar.
    • Click the Name of the product configuration or click to view the Properties page of the product configuration, then click Generate Precise BOM from the page Actions menu or page toolbar.

    A message is displayed to indicate if the PBOM is generated successfully or not. If yes, the product configuration is promoted to the Generate Precise BOM state. For details, see Viewing the PBOM of a Product Configuration.