Creating an Assembly Configuration

Product Managers and Design Engineers can create assembly configurations in the context of a logical feature. The design variants connected to a logical feature are used as configuration features for the assembly configuration and the subsequent BOM generation process.

Note: Assembly configurations are created in the context of a logical feature while product configurations are created in the context of a product.

Before you begin: Access the Properties page for a logical feature. For details, see Logical Feature Properties Page.

Note: There must be at least one configuration feature associated with the logical feature as a design variant before you can create an assembly configuration for that object.

Related Topics
About Logical Features
Creating a Logical Feature
Creating a Product Configuration
  1. From the Categories menu of the Properties page, select Assembly Configurations.

    The Assembly Configurations page opens.

  2. In the Assembly Configurations page, from the Actions menu, select Create.

    The Step 1 of 2: Specify Details page opens.

  3. Enter these details about the assembly configuration:

    Field Name How to Enter Data
    Name Enter a name for the assembly configuration or check the Autoname box to allow the system to assign a name. This field is required.
    Based On The context logical feature is displayed in this field. This field is required.
    Product Context The context product is displayed in this field. Click if you want to change the product context. Products, Product Variants, and Logical Features are displayed in the Search page to allow you to change the product context to any of those types.
    Derived From Click if you wish to select a product configuration from which the assembly configuration is to be derived.
    Top Level Part Click if you wish to select a top-level part.
    Description Enter a description of the assembly configuration. This field is required.
    Owner The current use is displayed by default. Click if you wish to select a different owner.
    Sales Intent Select Standard Configuration (the default) or Custom Configuration. This field is required.
    Purpose Select Evaluation (the default), Order, or Accessory. This field is required.
    Policy The Product Configuration policy cannot be changed.
    Vault The default vault is displayed. Click if you wish to select a different vault.

  4. Click Next.

    The Step 2 of 2: Create Product Configuration page opens.

  5. Select a configuration option to include in the assembly configuration.

  6. Click Done.

    A message confirms that the assembly configuration was successfully created.