To create a logical feature, do one of the following:
- From the global My Enovia
menu, under Variant Configuration > Logical Structures, select Logical Features, then from the Logical Features page Actions menu, select Create Logical Feature. This creates a stand-alone logical feature that can be reused across multiple contexts using the Add Existing option.
- From the global Actions
menu, under Variant Configuration, select Create Logical Feature. This creates a stand-alone logical feature that can be reused across multiple contexts using the Add Existing option.
- In the context of a product or logical feature, from the Categories menu of the Properties page, select Logical Structures. In the Logical View tab of the Logical Structures page, select the desired product or logical feature, click Enable Edit, then from the page Actions menu, select .
- In the context of a model, from the Categories menu of the Properties page, select Logical View. In the Candidate Logical Features tab of the Logical View page, from the page Actions menu, select Create Logical Feature.
In all cases except from the global Actions menu, a Create New Logical Feature slide-in window opens on the right side of the screen. In the case of the global Actions menu, a popup window opens.
Edit the fields as follows:
Click Done to save your selections.
If the inputs are all valid, a message is displayed confirming that the object was successfully created. The message includes the type (Logical Feature), name, and revision of the new object. Click OK to dismiss the message. If any required field is not filled in, an error message is displayed instead and control is transferred to that field where you must provide the missing information.