Portfolios Page

The Portfolios page lists all portfolios. The Portfolios page has a filter to show portfolios owned by you or all portfolios.

To access the Portfolios page, from the global My Enovia menu, under the heading Product Line, click Portfolios.

Related Topics
About Portfolios
Viewing Timelines

Structure Browser

The existing portfolios are displayed in a structure browser with the following columns:

Name Name of the portfolio. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the contents of the portfolio. See Viewing Portfolio Contents.
Type Shows the type of portfolio.
Owner Person responsible for the portfolio.
Description Details about the portfolio.
Item Count The number of items contained in the portfolio.
(New Window icon) Clicking this icon opens the Properties page for the portfolio in a popup window. See Viewing Portfolio Properties.

Page Toolbar

The Actions menu in the page toolbar provides access to the following actions:

Action Description
Create Creates a new portfolio. The Create Portfolios page opens as a slide-in window. For details, see Creating a Portfolio.
Delete Deletes the selected portfolio(s) from the database.

The Reports button in the page toolbar allows you to view the following reports:

Report Description
View Product Roadmap Displays a roadmap report for the selected portfolio.
View Timeline Shows the timeline representing the roadmap tasks for the selected portfolio.