Viewing Portfolio Contents

This task shows you how to view the portfolio Contents page. The portfolio Contents page can be accessed by clicking on the portfolio name from anywhere in Product Line Management. The Contents page shows a table that contains details about the products and models included in the portfolio.

Before you begin: Access the list of portfolios. For details, see Portfolios Page.
Related Topics
About Portfolios
Viewing Timelines
Running a Search
  1. Click the name of a portfolio or click at the end of the row to view the portfolio Contents page.

    It contains the following columns:

    Name. Name of the model or product that is included in the portfolio. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.

    Revision. Shows the model or product revision number or code.

    Type. The type or subtype of the model or product.

    Description. Details about the model or product.

    State. The current state of the model or product in its lifecycle.

    Owner. Person responsible for the model or product.

  2. In the Categories menu, click on the portfolio name (displayed in bold) to display the Properties page for the portfolio. See Viewing Portfolio Properties for details.

  3. Use any of the following commands from the page Actions menu to work with the portfolio contents:

    • Add Existing. Product Managers can add an existing model or product from the database to the portfolio. The Search page opens.
    • View Product Roadmap. Shows the current status of the product relative to its governing project progress and all the related roadmap tasks for the selected products or models.
    • View Timeline. Shows all portfolio products and all the products for each model in a timeline chart view.
    • Remove. Removes the relationship between all checked models or products and the portfolio. It does not delete the models or products from the database.