Roadmap Projects Page

The Roadmap Projects page lists roadmap projects related to a product.

To access the Roadmap Projects page, in the Properties page for a product, from the Categories menu, select Roadmap Projects. See also Product Properties Page.

Related Topics
About Products
Roadmap Tasks Page

Structure Browser

The roadmap projects currently associated with the product are listed in a structure browser with the following columns:

Name The name of the project. This column contains highlighted links. Click on any name in this column to view the Properties page for that object, or click at the end of the row to view the Properties page in a new browser window.
(Status icon) Shows the current status of the project.
  • red = the current date is 1 or more days after the estimated end date
  • yellow = the current date is equal to the estimated end date
  • blank = the current date is before the estimated end date
(Governing Project icon) Displays a # symbol if the project is the governing project for the product.
Type Shows the type of project
Description Details about the project
Est. Finish Date Date on which the project was estimated to be completed
Act. Finish Date Date on which the project was actually completed
Program The program associated with the project
State The current state of the project in its lifecycle
Owner The person responsible for the project
(New Window icon) Clicking this icon opens the Properties page for the roadmap project in a new browser window.

Page Toolbar

The buttons in the page toolbar provide access to the following actions:

Button Description
Associate Projects Adds existing projects from the database to the list. Each product can have multiple associated projects. Select a project from the Select Projects page and click Done. See Associating a Roadmap Project with a Product.
Make Governing Project Makes the selected project the governing project for the product. Only project spaces can be made governing projects of a product. If another project is already set as the governing project, its relationship is removed from the context product.
Remove Removes the relationship between the selected project(s) and the context product. Does not delete the projects from the database.