From the page toolbar, click .
For each ECR, this page lists these details:
Name. The system automatically assigns a name to ECRs. To see details about the ECR, click its name. See Viewing Details of an ECR.
State. If the state is Create, the Supplier Engineer is still assembling information for the ECR. If the state is Under Evaluation, the supplier has submitted it to the buyer company for evaluation.
Description. An overview of the change request.
. Opens the Properties page for the ECR in a new window. See Viewing Details of an ECR.
Use the page Actions menu to work with ECRs:
Create New. Creates a new ECR for the quotation line item; see Creating an ECR.
Delete Selected. Deletes selected ECRs; click OK to confirm. You can only delete ECRs in the Create state.
Submit. Submits selected ECRs to the buyer company; click OK to confirm. If the RFQ is sealed, you must wait until the quotation due date before submitting any ECRs. The Buyer can only view a submitted ECR if the quotation is returned.