Click the Name of the needed pass through RFQ.
This page lists these details:
Name. The RFQ's name.
Round. A round is a revision of an RFQ. When the RFQ is created, its round is 1. If the buyer needs to change the RFQ after sending it to suppliers, the buyer makes a new round, which is represented by the number 2 and so on.
State. The current state for the RFQ. .
Package. The name of the package the RFQ is included in, if any. To see details about the package, click the package name. See Viewing Package Details.
RFQ Template. The RFQ template used to create the RFQ. To see details about the template, click its name.
Unit Price Formula. The formula used to calculate the unit price for all quotation line items. The template may allow buyers to add to the formula. If an RFQ has a unit price formula, the system calculates the unit price for each quotation line item based on the values entered for attributes in the formula. If the RFQ doesn't have a unit price formula, suppliers enter a unit price for each quotation line item.
Comments. Notes about the RFQ. Comments often include a summary of the changes to a round or pending changes.
Description. The intent or purpose of the RFQ.
Quote Requested by. The date and time (including Time Zone) by which suppliers must return quotations. If suppliers don't return their quotation by this date, they cannot work on it and submit it late.
Response Status. Only shown for the latest round. Shows how many suppliers still need to return quotations. The first number is the number of suppliers who have responded to the RFQ (the RFQ Quotation is in the Returned state). This can include suppliers who have sent back quotations and those who declined to submit a quotation. The second number is the total number of suppliers included in the RFQ.
Quotation Response Review. Indicates whether the quotation review process should be open or sealed. Open means the buyer can review the quotations as they are returned from suppliers. Sealed means the quotations cannot be reviewed until all quotations are returned or until the Quote Requested by Date is reached, whichever comes first.
Currency. The currency the buyer wants line items to be quoted in.
Owner. The person who has primary responsibility for the RFQ.
Co-Owner. The person(s) assigned as the co-owner. The co-owner can perform all the tasks that the owner can except assigning ownership and co-ownership, and change the Allow Role Edits setting.
Workspace Folder. The workspace folder(s) that the RFQ has been added to. To access information about the workspace folder, click its name. Only the folders that you have at least Read access to are listed.
Buyer Desk. The Buyer Desk that has sourcing responsibility for line items in the RFQ.
Allow User Edits. Indicates whether only the owner/co-owner can make changes to the RFQ or whether any person with a Buyer role in your company can make changes.
Company Attributes. Any additional attributes added to the RFQ based on the template used to create it and the company optional attributes the buyer included when creating the RFQ.
Use the page Actions menu to work with the RFQ:
Edit Details. Edits the properties; see Editing Details of a Pass Through RFQ.
Make Round. Only shows if the RFQ has reached the Sent state; see Making a New Round for an RFQ.
Create/Delete Pending. Only shows if the RFQ has reached the Sent state. If in the Sent state, converts the RFQ to pending status; see Creating a Pending Version of an RFQ.
Reactivate. If the RFQ was previously cancelled, reactivates it; click OK to confirm. Reactivating creates a new round for the RFQ and leaves the previous round in the Cancelled state. The buyer who reactivates the RFQ becomes the owner of the new round. If you reactivate an RFQ that is in a package that has been completed, the system automatically removes the RFQ from the package.
Synchronize with Source. If the source RFQ was updated, copies updates to line items to the pass through RFQs; click OK to confirm. See About Pass Through RFQs for background details. If the pass through RFQ is in Sent state, the quotation owners are immediately notified of the changes.
Depending on the current state of the RFQ, you may not be able to perform all actions.