Resolving Conflicts

One of the major advantages of integrated DesignSync with Eclipse is the ability to use the Eclipse interface to resolve conflicts between objects in your local workspace and objects on the server.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Populate your workspace with the Merge with Workspace option.
Related Topics
Synchronizing with the Repository

Opening the conflict editor

When you populate a file containing conflicts, you can use the built in Eclipse conflict editor to resolve the conflicts.

  1. Populate the workspace with the Merge workspace option selected.

    The DesignSync interface will attempt to merge any files in conflict.

  2. Select an object that contains conflicts, and select DesignSync | Resolve Conflicts.

    This opens the conflict editor.

The conflict editor contains both copies of the file with the differences highlighted.

Saving your modifications

When you use the conflict editor, you may want to save your changes. Use the File | Save option or the button on the main toolbar to save your edits.

Important: Do not use the context menu Save option to save edits in the conflict editor.

Marking as Merged

When you have merged a file and begin to resolve the conflicts, but have not completed the conflict resolution, you may save the local file and mark the file as "merged" meaning it still requires more changes before it can be checked in.

  1. Save the object being modified in the conflict editor.

    This saves the object to disk.

  2. Select Mark as Merged to re-apply the merged state to the object.

    DesignSync applies the merged state to the object.

The file can be reopened in the conflict editor and additional conflicts can be resolved.

Mark as Resolved

After you have resolved your conflicts, you must mark the file as resolved by selecting the Mark Resolved command.

  1. Select the object containing conflicts.

    You can only select a single object containing the conflicts you manually resolved.

  2. Select DesignSync | Mark as Resolved.

    File is ready for checkin.

  3. Check in your file into DesignSync.

    DesignSync checks in your modified object.

Your conflicts are resolved and your server is updated with the new information.